Let Me Take You Down

Every year, on December 8th, mourners gather at the Imagine Memorial in Strawberry Fields to sing and remember John Lennon. 

This year, I trudged through thick, wet snow after work to make it there.  I sang “Hello, Goodbye” and “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away.”  I tried to take a video but it was far too dark, and all you could hear was my nasal  “HEY-LA, HEY LA HEY LO-A” and a little clapping.  There are better videos out there on YouTube, and I suggest checking a few of them out.


5 responses to “Let Me Take You Down”

  1. I looked for you on the news but, alas, you were nowhere to be found.

    1. We made the news?? I was only there after like 7ish, and I only stayed for a coupla numbers, but if they showed a buncha people in pitch blackness singing "Hello, Goodbye," you can totally hear me bellowing out the chorus!!

    2. Yup…the network news!

  2. […] videos like this on my phone and I watch them all year ’round. Oh here’s my post from 2013, and 2014, and my favorite video from last […]

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