Tag: life update

  • Currently… in September 2019

    Currently… in September 2019

      FEELING:  Amazingly, a little bit more balanced! A few weekends of minimal tours/responsibilities combined with a trend of getting home from my weekday job by 7pm has left me feeling like I’m just the tiniest bit more in control of my life. You will recall, of course, that my summer had been swirling to a mad…

  • Balance


      Ok, after complaining incessantly about being busy and basically abandoning my blog, I’m seeking balance.    Because I don’t want to ABANDON my blog. BUT, I can’t exactly pre-schedule blogs to post 3x a week either. That was feasible when I could write blog posts during my free time. Now, I’m all like, “what’s free time?”  …

  • What Am I Doing With My Life???

    What Am I Doing With My Life???

      Oh damn – it’s been a while! But don’t I always disappear on you during Leo season? I think it was two months ago, maybe three months ago, that I set up a whole bunch of blog posts to publish automatically while I was busy. Verrrryyyyyy busyyyyyy. And those have run out, like, three weeks ago. And here…

  • Busy-ness is BOOMING

    Busy-ness is BOOMING

      So, fun thing: When it rains, it pours.   I’ve been mentioning in my past three “currently” posts that I’ve picked up another job, which means I’ve been basically working 7 days a week for at least two months now. Pretty much every blog post that’s been published over that time… was written well…

  • The Instagram Depression Cure

    The Instagram Depression Cure

      I am  L I V I N G  for Instagram lately.   A lot of people say that Instagram causes depression. O…kay? I guess it’s like, when you look at other people’s pictures on Instagram, you compare yourself to them, and comparison is the thief of joy, therefore Instagram => comparison => depression?  …

  • Currently… in June 2019

    Currently… in June 2019

      FEELING:  Drained. Drained! I started this month with unbearable allergies. Taking Lexapro, an SSRI, for depression/anxiety. A painful colposcopy and biopsy. The bizarre balance between feeling better due to meds and yet more anxious due to my health scare has been DRAINING! Luckily, the biopsy came back negative!!! But I basically spent this entire month in…

  • Roommates Are Basically The Same Thing As Poltergeists

    Roommates Are Basically The Same Thing As Poltergeists

      DON’T GET ME WRONG:  I LOVE MY ROOMMATES.   Okay, “love” is a strong word. I definitely prefer my roommates over most other roommates I’ve ever had in my adult life. Do I wish I wasn’t forced to consider crapping in a Tupperware on a weekly basis? Sure. Nobody’s perfect! I’m sure there’s an…

  • ? Don’t Stop Me Now ?

    ? Don’t Stop Me Now ?

      I’m one of those people who thrives on being busy. If I’m allowed to rest for too long, I fall into a depression and stop taking care of myself (see: wearing the same sweatsuit and not showering for 5 days straight while living off of mayonnaise sandwiches and frozen microwave dinners).   For the past four…

  • Currently… in November 2018

    Currently… in November 2018

      FEELING:  Incredulous that it’s almost the end of the year. I mean, it’s NOVEMBER! 2019 is right around the corner! Is it just me, or do the years go by faster now than they ever did before? Work has been SO BUSY the past two months! . WATCHING: I feel like I always find a new trash reality show every…

  • Currently… in October 2018

    Currently… in October 2018

      FEELING:  SO OPTIMISTIC. And nostalgic, but in that “look how far I’ve come” kind of way. My life was turned completely upside-down on this day last year. Right now, I’m working two jobs that I love, living in the most fabulous apartment, dating someone who adores me and who is so easy to spend time with, healing a new tattoo (!!!!!),…

  • Currently… in August 2018

    Currently… in August 2018

      FEELING:  SWEATY. This summer is HOT, HOT, HOT! I mean, yeah, duh, global warming and all that. The humidity in NYC is, as it is every summer, occasionally unbearable! I saw people PUKING from heat the other day. It’s brutally intense! As a result, I’ve been mostly a homebody this month. There’s places I wanna…

  • Currently… in June 2018

    Currently… in June 2018

      FEELING:  Excited. Yes, excited! It sort of feels like, overall, everything has been falling into place for me lately. I’ve been working hard, saving up, keeping going. You know, six months ago, if you told me that I’d be in this place by summer, I doubt I would have believed you. I am really happy…

  • Hey! (What’s Going On)

    Hey! (What’s Going On)

      Somebody once told me, “don’t give away your brilliance for free.”   Woah! Not that I’m claiming to be “brilliant,” here! But it stuck with me. So I’ve been holding back here, because of a weird, vague fear of putting my best stuff out there on the vulnerable *I*n*t*eR*n*e*t, and having by BEST ideas stolen (um,…

  • February Kicked My Ass

    February Kicked My Ass

      February is just a joke anyway, isn’t it? I mean, you’re in this shitty January doldrums and then Valentine’s Day pounces on you out of nowhere! Next thing you know, it’s like “Wow, can you believe it’s MARCH NEXT WEEK???” No, I can’t. And not just because I’ve been in a fever-induced haze for…

  • Wanted: Instagram Bae

    Wanted: Instagram Bae

      Many, many months ago, my former therapist asked me to make a list of qualities that I want in a hypothetical future partner. Many, many months ago, the list looked a lot like this: “1. some ? one ? who ? won’t ? hurt ? me ???…” But it’s been many, many months since then, and I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided that…

  • The Walls Have Ears

    The Walls Have Ears

      I didn’t realize how LOUD I AM until I moved in with roommates.   My roommates are AWESOME. They’re very cool. And chill. And quiet. SO QUIET! I never EVER hear ANYTHING at ANY time of the day. They’re great! They’re WONDERFUL! No, the problem is me.   I’m afraid that I’m very loud.  …

  • Fixing A Hole

    Fixing A Hole

      I wrote over 400 words in this draft. Then I erased it all. Call this “Take Two.”   I’m very proud of myself for writing more in this blog. There was a time, not too long ago (OCTOBER 2017) when I couldn’t even fathom stringing two words together. I was like, in a hole. A hole…

  • The Kind Of Cold That Never Really Goes Away

    The Kind Of Cold That Never Really Goes Away

    Well, I’ve finally got it. My boyfriend had it first: sinus and cough and general misery. I got a glimpse of it last week: I hit a high fever (for me) of 98.1, when I usually run a cool 97.0 — but I felt like I was sweating and flushed. I managed to work through…

  • My Third Time At Burning Man CHANGED Me — But For The Better or the Worse???

    My Third Time At Burning Man CHANGED Me — But For The Better or the Worse???

    (Photo by Becki Heller)   It was my third time at Burning Man. I wasn’t supposed to come back this insufferable. So, you hear all the clichés about youths going to Burning Man and coming back changed. I don’t think I really changed all that much after my first burn, to be honest! Maybe I became a little more…

  • Angry Birds

    Angry Birds

    And at first it was cute, but now, I’m afraid in my own home.   So I might have mentioned on social media (Twitter, probably, appropriately enough) that a family of small birds has built a nest underneath my kitchen window. I was so excited to have “new neighbors” and I love nature! Right?  …