

Ok, after complaining incessantly about being busy and basically abandoning my blog, I’m seeking balance. 


Because I don’t want to ABANDON my blog. BUT, I can’t exactly pre-schedule blogs to post 3x a week either. That was feasible when I could write blog posts during my free time. Now, I’m all like, “what’s free time?”


I’m a natural overachiever — SURPRISE. /notsurprised. I really want to be an A1 Blogger, work 3 steady jobs, have a fulfilling social life, and be perfect at all of those things. But SURPRISE! again, /notsurprising, it’s not possible to work 10 hour days, hold down 2 weekend jobs, handle all of my adult responsibilities (during the L train shutdown!) and blog three times a week. Something’s Gotta Give, Diane!


At this point, squeaking out one blog post per week is basically the most I can promise. Promise to who? Myself. Which is disappointing. I miss the time I used to have to devote to my creativity. This blog is really for me. It’s my personal space to figure out my feelings, put my memories into perspective, and process my feelings about The Bachelor. But I can’t do all the things — I can only do all the things in moderation.


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