Currently… in November 2018


FEELING:  Incredulous that it’s almost the end of the year. I mean, it’s NOVEMBER! 2019 is right around the corner! Is it just me, or do the years go by faster now than they ever did before? Work has been SO BUSY the past two months!


WATCHING: I feel like I always find a new trash reality show every month for this section…. aaaaand this month, it’s 90-Day Fianceé!


LISTENING TO:  I made a post about my favorite crime podcasts, and I’ve been seriously enjoying Last Podcast on the Left and Dark Poutine this month. At work, we binge-listened to every single episode of Beyond Bizarre, and I honestly had a hard time picking a favorite but MY GOD, that maple syrup episode!!!


READING:  I am legit NOT READING ANYTHING at the moment. I’m actually so busy at work, I’ve fallen behind on reading my favorite blogs! What a travesty!


WORKING ON:  Like I said, I’m really busy at work, so, mostly, that. Obviously, Halloween is a busy time for ghost tours, I’ve had like 3 every weekend the past few weeks! I’m actually looking forward to getting a little bit of a break this month at some point. The end of the year is catching up to me, fast!


THINKING ABOUT:  All the stuff that I have to do. Seriously. I feel like I’m only just barely keeping things together, and that’s due to constant vigilance. I never let anything slide, and trying to keep on top of it all is starting to take a bit of a toll.


EATING:  Ooooo those egg and cheese sandwiches in the microwave! I’ve been eating a lot of candy, too. Halloween, ’tis the season! The other day, I had a random Monday ghost tour, and I treated myself to tacos beforehand at Dorado, my favorite taco place in Manhattan, and it reallllly drove home that I need to start cooking more. I know, I say this every month.


LOOKING FORWARD TO: Honestly, I know that November is going to be very busy still. I’m traveling at the end of the month for a wedding that I’m so excited for! This is the month that my tattoo gets finished!!! I always love the lead-up to the holiday season here in New York City. And I’m looking forward to doing some fun things when I *hopefully* have some free time???      


MAKING ME HAPPY:  October was such a blur, but I love being busy. I love working and I love giving tours. Living life is making me happy. Having things to do and places to go. Feeling connected and needed. Being involved and learning new things. That’s what’s making me happy this October, and what a difference from a year ago. I’m really grateful for that.s


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