• No Mo Snow

    No Mo Snow

    My poor, beloved NYC is suffocating under a mountain of snow. It seems like every two days there is a huge, major storm, and I can’t help but recall that scene from The Day After Tomorrow where the Statue of Liberty is poking out from under a frozen wasteland.  Never saw the film, mind, because…

  • Reality Check

    Reality Check

    What really sucks about death is that it shows us how much we take for granted. My own dear father recently lamented that he’d always imagined growing old surrounded by the ones he loved, when a scare showed him that such a future might not be possible.  Death is that reality check.  We don’t know…

  • 3 AM

    I don’t know if it’s stress, or neighbors, or some weird biological fault of mine, but for the past few weeks as far back as I can remember, I have been waking up at 3am every morning. Oh, I must be lonely.  That must be it. And when I say “awake,” I mean AWAKE.  Like,…

  • Technical Difficulties

    Technical Difficulties

    Ever have one of those days? I swear it all started when I tried to update my iPhone 4 from iOS 5, which I have been happily using FOR YEARS, to iOS 7 so I can use the updated version of Skype.  WELL.  Not only did it not take for HOURS, but it caused a…

  • Baggage Claim

    Baggage Claim

    As I get older I talk less and less. ….about my baggage. There is some baggage that’s easy to claim.  The nice stuff.  The baggage where we triumph, the baggage where we learn to become the hero.  That nice, rolling kind with the rotating 360 degree wheels.  It’s easy for me to talk to strangers…

  • Love Is Like Bubble Gum

    Love Is Like Bubble Gum

    I.  Love is Like Bubble Gum Love is like Bubble Gum. At first, it’s really hard. Then it’s SO SWEET. For like, a minute. And then it starts to break apart. But you keep chewing it because you don’t want to believe that it’s already over. And when you finally spit it out, you can…

  • Teething Again!

    Teething Again!

    Remember about six months ago, when my wisdom tooth was acting up and I endured severe mouth pain so bad I hated to even talk?  It’s back again.  I’m teething in full force, and that’s my excuse for not being able to compose proper bloggage right now.  I’ll be over here marathoning Being Human and…

  • Currently…in January 2014

    Currently…in January 2014

    FEELING:  Really down.  I just got dumped two days ago, and it hit me really hard.  I don’t know if it’s the season, or if I’m really in a rut, but nothing about what I’m doing right now feels right.  My job is getting on my nerves, I’m tired of working hard and spending all…

  • What We Learned This Christmas

    What We Learned This Christmas

    Last year, I never got to see my family for Christmas.  And I was miserable. This time around, it had been six months since I had seen any member of my family.   Oh, the old story:  working too hard, not enough time, costs too much to travel… But I realized something. I missed my…

  • Atheist Christmas Carols!

    Alternet has clearly read my mind this year:  they’ve produced a fairly good list of Atheist-friendly Christmas songs!  Songs that do not mention Jesus, God, Saints, Angels, Miracles, or Virgin Births…because while Atheists may not like those things, we do loooove music.  We need it for our baby-eating rituals!  Check out the list, it’s interesting…

  • Nuts in the Fruit Department

    Nuts in the Fruit Department

    This is the reason why I’ll never again shop at the Key Foods on 146th Street. I just went in for some apples, oranges, tuna and cottage cheese.  I picked up a basket and headed to the apple section when I noticed something…off.  There was an elderly couple, a man and a woman, standing in…

  • Sick Thoughts

    Sick Thoughts

    Everyone tells me, “You push yourself too hard,” as if that’s supposed to be negative!  In my opinion, I should push harder.  I’m proud of pushing hard!  Pushing hard is a badge of honor! Until it catches up to you. So this week I have caught what I am assuming is either yellow fever or…

  • I’m A Little Teapot, Apparently

    I’m A Little Teapot, Apparently

    I’ve sworn up and down that I’m a coffee person.  Don’t worry!  I still am!  But I have a confession:  I’ve been cheating on coffee…with tea. I know!  I want to kick my own ass.  Trust.  But I’ve been trying different teas and not just because I’ve had the sniffles!  Tea can be good!  Sometimes! …

  • Currently… in December 2013

    Currently… in December 2013

    #fmsphotoaday prompt was “red.”  Observe my red sicky face. FEELING:  a little sour on Christmas, actually.  My store has been playing Christmas music since before Thanksgiving,which I am not okay with.  If I hear ANY version of “All I Want For Christmas is You,” I may be physically I’ll or commit some kind of violence.…

  • Day of the Doctor

    Day of the Doctor

    So, did all my Whovians watch “Day I the Doctor” yet?  Because I literally devoted an entire day to the viewing of the 50th Anniversary special and sundry other associated programs. First, the pilot, of course:  which originally aired fifty years ago on November 23rd, 1963:  “An Unearthly Child.”  Followed by the docudrama “An Adventure…

  • If You See This Man…

    If You See This Man…

    …punch him in the eye. He was sitting next to me on the 3 Train this weekend, taking up the better part of three seats when one would have sufficed, wiggling around and generally having terrible train etiquette.   As the train approached 96th Street, I started to rise from my seat to get off…

  • Blogtember #19:  Gripe

    Blogtember #19: Gripe

    I’ve written about my Facebook pet peeves here and here.  But I’ve noticed a new trend has emerged that has gotten so out of hand that I’ve even gone so far as to delete the Facebook app from my phone. I don’t want to make light of other people’s problems, but taking everyday gripes to…

  • Blogtember #15: Be Careful What You Wish For

    Blogtember #15: Be Careful What You Wish For

    “Life lately” is going incredibly well.  Almost too well, in fact… I asked my hair stylist at my last bang trim to do a cute, asymmetrical chop.  The result?  Much too short!  I’ve been growing out my unfortunate bang decision ever since!  I couldn’t wait for fall weather!  The heat was driving me insane and…

  • Special Delivery

    Special Delivery

    Hiya, Internet!  Didja miss me? It’s been one month of radio silence from me except for the random here-and-there phone post.  Shudder!  I finally received my charge cord in the mail from the UPS!  Here’s a funny thing about the UPS:  they claim to be a delivery service, but they don’t ACTUALLY deliver packages. On…

  • No Charge Cord: Week Four

    No Charge Cord: Week Four

    Dear Outside World: It’s been four weeks without a computer.  What’s a girl to do with her time? Outside of working 6-7 days a week, I’ve been going on a lot of OkCupid dates (post about that pending when I have a computer again), watching classic Doctor Who (more posts about that when I have…