Blogtember #15: Be Careful What You Wish For

“Life lately” is going incredibly well.  Almost too well, in fact…

I asked my hair stylist at my last bang trim to do a cute, asymmetrical chop.  The result?  Much too short!  I’ve been growing out my unfortunate bang decision ever since! 

I couldn’t wait for fall weather!  The heat was driving me insane and I could barely stand to be outside.  Now the temperature has dropped and it’s wreaking havoc on my skin, drying me out, chapping my lips and making me freeze!

Finally, Netflix has just added The 4400 to Instant Streaming.  I loved the show when it was on and have always wanted to watch it again a, uh, third time.  Alas, I have worked every day this month (except the day I had a fever of 103 degrees) and have had no time to enjoy it!  Criminal!

The moral of my sad tale?  Be careful what you wish for — you just might get it!


4 responses to “Blogtember #15: Be Careful What You Wish For”

  1. Whhhaaat? I was just searching Netflix for The 4400 the other day — I'm super stoked about this news (I never finished the show).

  2. oh no! I hope you feel better! a fever of 103 is never fun!

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