Tag: geek

  • Fake Geeks on the Internet

    Fake Geeks on the Internet

    First, they came for the Fake Geek Girls. A crazy uproar on the internet about girls “pretending” to like “geeky things” “for the attention.”  So many air-quotes, I may have accidentally rerouted planes from JFK.  And that’s because I have so many ragey feelings on the matter that I can’t keep my fingers still. Then,…

  • Play With Your Food: “Cosmos” Edition

    Play With Your Food: “Cosmos” Edition

    For the past eight weeks, Sunday night has meant rush home from work to watch Neil deGrasse Tyson host the new run of Cosmos on Fox!  Last week, I got out of work an hour early and my boyfriend suggested that we make a Cosmos-themed dinner.  Television and food puns?  I can get down with…

  • Batman: The Black Mirror

    Batman: The Black Mirror

    You guys you guys you guys!  This has been MY FAVOURITE Batman arc yet! Several things make it very unique: SPOILERS AHEAD! 1.  Dick Grayson is Batman (not your usual Bruce Wayne) 2.  There are several narrators:  Dick, Commissioner Gordon, even Harvey Bullock (for a couple of pages) 3.  The story covers a few different…

  • If My Blog Was An Outfit

    If My Blog Was An Outfit

    This meme has been floating around the bloggyverse, thanks to Ange’s linkup at Hairspray and High Heels!  You know I can’t resist a linkup, guys, even if my outfit for my blog is probably something really mundane like the clothes I wore to Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash out in Red Bank, NJ: So…

  • Batman: Death of the Family

    Batman: Death of the Family

    AAAAHHHHH the infamous Batman:  Death of the Family !!!  As you can see from the cover of this hardbound collection, this is one intense and disgusting ride.  It has a dust-cover of a mask of the Joker’s face, covering the actual cover revealing all the viscera because, in case you didn’t know, the Joker has…

  • Currently…in March 2014

    Currently…in March 2014

    FEELING: Completely DONE with winter!  The weather has been gross for what seems like an eternity.  Remember summer?  Remember not squishing yourself into layers upon layers of clothing and still freezing?  SO.  DONE.  WATCHING: Is anyone else out there TOTALLY ADDICTED to House of Cards?  It’s so slow-moving and subtle but really compelling.  If you…

  • Things I Love Thursday: Jack Kirby

    Things I Love Thursday: Jack Kirby

    If I asked you to name three famous superheroes off the top of your head… Chances are, none of those would be Jack Kirby creations. But, if I asked you to name three more, and three more, and three more…we could go on and on naming the famous faces Jack Kirby has added to the…

  • Things I Love Thursday: Robots vs. Unicorns

    Things I Love Thursday: Robots vs. Unicorns

    So I realized I haven’t done a “Things I Love Thursday” post in quite a while and immediately I knew what I had to write about:  unicorns. Is there anything more sweet and girly besides unicorns?  Um, probably.  But while most of that junk makes me want to yak, unicorns just always make me happy! …

  • The Spider-Man Dream

    The Spider-Man Dream

    Source:  Marvel’s wikia page So the other night, I fell asleep listening to Radiohead’s “No Surprises” and I had a dream that I was Spider-Man. For the first part of the dream, it was awesome:  retired from fighting crime having restored peace and justice to the city, I had bought a house out in the…

  • Gadgets and Gizmos

    Gadgets and Gizmos

    I am a total Luddite.  I’ve been using iOS 5 for like, three years!  Because of, you know, Cylon threat, and all that.  But lately I’ve been – dare I say? – embracing technology?  And I’ve discovered some great stuff: My Dynex External Battery is my favourite toy ever.  I never run out of battery…

  • Technical Difficulties

    Technical Difficulties

    Ever have one of those days? I swear it all started when I tried to update my iPhone 4 from iOS 5, which I have been happily using FOR YEARS, to iOS 7 so I can use the updated version of Skype.  WELL.  Not only did it not take for HOURS, but it caused a…

  • Epic Rap Battles of History

    Mad rhymes for your Tuesday morning.  Epic Rap Battles of History pits famous historical and cultural figures against one another.  What do you think? 1.  Adolf Hitler vs. Darth Vader I think Darth Vader totally won this one!  What do you think? 2.  Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates Bill Gates, totally! 3.  Doctor Seuss vs.…

  • Heroes and Villains

    Heroes and Villains

    While I’m coping with a lot of confusing emotions, I find comic book movies very soothing.  Hero wins the day, black-and-white morality.  Specifically, the humor of The Avengers and the idealism of Captain America.  Superheros can always be trusted to try their hardest, do their best, have what’s right in their hearts.  I can’t control…

  • Mug Shots!!!

    Mug Shots!!!

    It occurred to me while sick that I do not currently own nearly enough mugs.  You use the most mugs while sick because most sick foods are consumed from mugs.  Come to think, all the best foods are consumed in mugs:  coffee & tea, soup, ice cream, I’ve even put fruit slices into mugs!  There…

  • Day of the Doctor

    Day of the Doctor

    So, did all my Whovians watch “Day I the Doctor” yet?  Because I literally devoted an entire day to the viewing of the 50th Anniversary special and sundry other associated programs. First, the pilot, of course:  which originally aired fifty years ago on November 23rd, 1963:  “An Unearthly Child.”  Followed by the docudrama “An Adventure…

  • Chain Mail

    Chain Mail

    I love questionnaires! I found this one courtesy, once again, of Angie from Lariats and Lavender, which is a blog I’ve been a fan of for a long time!, who found it from Kyla at Kyla is Inspired, which is a blog I just discovered and is really lovely!!! 1.  Song you can’t get out…

  • Currently…in November 2013

    Currently…in November 2013

    Oh man, November already?  Seems like just yesterday I was trying to remember to write 2013, and now it’s almost over!  October is my busiest month, and I know I haven’t spent as much time blogging because I have been either working or PTFO ASLEEP.  I am resolved to post more, even if it’s not…

  • Practice Makes Perfect

    Practice Makes Perfect

    A funny phenomenon at Comic Con (hee hee that rhymed) is that people dress up.  I guess this isn’t so weird – it’s the month of Halloween, after all.  But people go ALL OUT.  And then, you walk around and take pictures of people’s costumes. Now, here’s the weird part.  Cosplayers – people who dress…

  • Comic Con 2013

    Comic Con 2013

    On Friday, I cased the joint and made myself familiar with all the booths and artists present.  On Saturday, I was dressed somewhat in costume – wearing my replica of the 4th Doctor’s scarf from Doctor Who and regular street clothes.  This resulted in getting hit on A LOT.  I was surprised how many people…


    It’s here it’s here!Today is the first day I am attending ComicCon!Tomorrow, expect pictures. But for today… Enjoy this crazy video that I can’t stop watching.