Things I Love Thursday: Robots vs. Unicorns

So I realized I haven’t done a “Things I Love Thursday” post in quite a while and immediately I knew what I had to write about:  unicorns.

Is there anything more sweet and girly besides unicorns?  Um, probably.  But while most of that junk makes me want to yak, unicorns just always make me happy!  Like this guy, pictured above, who sits atop my DVD collection and whose demure cheeriness makes me smile whenever I catch his gaze.  Unicorns are sweet and cute and innocent…

Unlike ROBOTS!  Robots are brutal and logical and a little bit scary but I love them also!  I know it violates my Prime Directive to be so indecisive about this, but antique toy robots give me just as much inner squee as their horned competition, the unicorns!  There’s something a little titillating about the cold, emotionless logic of a robot…which makes you want to smother them with LOVE!

I couldn’t decide which is better, so I’ll leave it up to you guys!  Vote below to determine internet supremacy for either Robots or Unicorns!

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And if you can’t decide, check out Adult Swim’s free online game (totally addicting) Robot Unicorn Attack!

(And keep your sound up – that’s “Always” by Erasure!)


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