Currently…in March 2014

Completely DONE with winter!  The weather has been gross for what seems like an eternity.  Remember summer?  Remember not squishing yourself into layers upon layers of clothing and still freezing?  SO.  DONE. 

anyone else out there TOTALLY ADDICTED to House of Cards?  It’s so
slow-moving and subtle but really compelling.  If you haven’t seen it yet – SERIOUSLY?  What is WRONG with you?  We can’t be friends.
90’s Pop like crazy!  How bizarre, how bizarre!  Why, it’s like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife!  And it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign.

READING:  I have been delving into the DC Universe, first with Villains United, now I’m so in love with Secret Six.  Ragdoll is my favourite!  I have been hearing good things about the current run of Batgirl, also written by Gail Simone.  Anyone wanna throw a recommend my way?  In addition, I just started my first read of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  I know!  But being already familiar with Douglas Adam’s work on Doctor Who so I am really appreciating the purposeful in-jokes that he included, namely from the episode “The Pirate Planet” which is one of my favourites!

Ever since I got some Instagram love on my cat hats, I’ve been thinking of a way to do a swap.  Hat for hat?  Craft for craft?  There are so many talented and crafty people out on the internet, how fun would it be to trade a little of that joy?

THINKING ABOUT:  My rights as an individual.  My right to command attention and my right to refuse attention.  My right to assert myself and be taken seriously.  NO MEANS NO.  And the usual stuff like cookies and ice cream and tattoos and flowers and bows and shit.

EATING:  This past week, I discovered SANGRIA!  After a particularly potent “secret recipe” sangria at The Habitat in Greenpoint, I was hooked.  One of my favourite local haunts, Candle Cafe, offered a special wine/rum/cherry/cinnamon “warming” sangria when the cold snap hit.  Well, two glasses will warm ya, that’s for sure!  And how much fun is eating the booze-soaked fruit?  I have to look into making some of my own!

LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Rising temperatures, long walks, and settling into a feeling of contentment free from worry.  I hope it all works out.

MAKING ME HAPPY:  Reading lots and lots, getting out more, arguing with my boyfriend (DC vs. Marvel, Classic vs. New Who, and politics…sexy stuff), and conversations with strangers: bartenders and bookstore employees especially!



Currently…in February
Currently…in January


Currently…in December

Currently…in November
Currently…in October

Currently…in September
Currently…in August
Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


2 responses to “Currently…in March 2014”

  1. At this point I've pracrtically resigned to the Dark Side of winter. I don't have the energy to fight it anymore. Summer needs to just come save me.

  2. I need winter to end ASAP please 🙁

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