Currently…in November 2013

Oh man, November already?  Seems like just yesterday I was trying to remember to write 2013, and now it’s almost over!  October is my busiest month, and I know I haven’t spent as much time blogging because I have been either working or PTFO ASLEEP.  I am resolved to post more, even if it’s not great, to get in the habit because…because…I missed blogging!!!  But here’s what I’m up to:

FEELING:  Relieved, relaxed, and refreshed!  Believe it or not.  My Halloweekend was hectic as hell, I worked almost every day, but I somehow managed to squeeze in nearly 8 hours of sleep each night and my yearly viewing of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!  November means more free time, which I’m looking forward to!  I have a backlog of awesome things I want to do around the city this fall!
WATCHING:  The 4400 is on Netflix!  In my spare time, I am passing out asleep in front of my third viewing of this show, which is So Good.  Fans of Heroes, X-Men and Misfits should give this a try.  It has a similar theme, but is treated in a way I feel is realistic to our current society.
READING:  I’m dying to read The Body Project:  An Intimate History of American Girls by Joan Jacobs.  
THINKING ABOUT:  The holidays.  Winter in New York is brutal, but it’s also beautiful!  Lights everywhere, brisk breezes, and the window displays go up a billion notches!  I’m really excited and in wonderful spirits!

EATING:  Well, this one is going to be the most surprising.  I discovered that my allergies have changed!  I can eat fruit again without my mouth itching and my tongue and lips swelling!  I’ve been trying new fruits almost every day.  I adore apples — hence my Halloween costume!, strawberries, and grapes. 

Don’t I make an adorable apple?  Pears haven’t thrilled me the same way, and I’m excited to try mango for the first time!  On the flip side, I gave up gluten after a series of bad heartburn and stomach aches.  It’s harder than I anticipated, but I hardly miss it with all the fruit I’ve been eating, I feel better (no more daily debilitating stomach aches at midday!), and my skin has never looked better.  Win win win all around!  Also, I discovered Kind bars and I have to tell you, THEY ARE THE NOST DELICIOUS THINGS I HAVE EVER TASTED.  The almond coconut flavor is like a Payday candy bar BUT BETTER, and the -brace yourself- dark chocolate cherry cashew with almonds tastes way too good to conceivably be healthy for you BUT IT IS!  If you see these in stores, TRY THEM.

LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Thanksgiving with my family, having more days off (having days off, PERIOD), the approaching holiday season, walking more, cooking more, experimenting with more fruits and gluten free recipes,
MAKING ME HAPPY:  I’ve been keeping it a secret from my blog, but another reason I’ve been so busy and not updating as often is because I’ve been seeing someone for the past two months.  And I didn’t want to jinx it or be too obnoxious here, but things are really good!


Currently…in October
Currently…in September
Currently…in August
Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


3 responses to “Currently…in November 2013”

  1. Gluten is highly overrated. Glad you are doing well and eating apples. Find time to connect with others……

  2. That costume is too cute 🙂 Glad you found someone, how exciting! I couldn't imagine being allergic to fruit, that would be the worst!

  3. So nice to have you back! KIND bars are wonderful…the Dark Chocolate one is especially good. I'm a big CLIF bar fan, too. Seems they are coming out with new varieties lately. Try them…if you dare!

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