Tag: tmi

  • Say Something

    Source: retronaut.co via Dayle on Pinterest “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an important announcement from the New York City Police Department.  Protect yourself.  If you see a suspicious activity on the platform or train,  DO NOT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF…” I cast a glance to my left.  There was a bag sitting by itself on…

  • Panty Watch 2012

    Panty Watch 2012

    I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about this yet.  If you follow me on Instagram @meghansara, you know that my new neighborhood has some, er, quirks.  But none are perhaps as interesting as the panties across the airshaft. I’m not a creep!  I’m not sitting by my window with binoculars to spy on the neighbors. …

  • Back in the New York Groove

    Back in the New York Groove

    Last night was a little scary.  I realized at work that I have no “official” place to live in two weeks.  Long story, won’t get into details, but basically, some plans fell through and I was afraid.  Afraid that all was lost. I was thinking lately about loss.  It seems to me that the more…

  • Gonna Make It After All

    Gonna Make It After All

    So, now you know my terrible secret that I’ve been keeping for a month.  I’ve been dumped.  Surprise.  Sure was to me.  So I’m going day by day, and it’s getting easier all the time.  The trick is to stay productive. Today I made: A totally ghetto but surprisingly satisfying pasta salad out of a…

  • Your iPhone, Your Boobs, and You

    Your iPhone, Your Boobs, and You

    Ladies, level with me.  When you talk on your iPhone (does anyone still talk on their iPhone?), how do you NOT get it covered in yucky face guck?  I’m talking moisturizer, sunscreen, foundation, powder – every time I pull it away from my face to hang up, there’s that ewww moment where I realize that…

  • This Way to Happiness

    This Way to Happiness

    The end of this month marks the end of my 28th year, and it’s about time I took some steps in a positive direction. Those of you who know me IRL know I’m having a bit of a tough time. I’m always complaining that everyone hates me, I’ll never amount to anything, I’m tired all…

  • The Accent is on the Accent

    This embarrassing true story happened to me at work a few weeks ago.  Let me preface by saying that I have somewhat of a hearing difficulty…perhaps when I can afford insurance I’ll see a doctor and diagnose the level to which my hearing has deteriorated thanks to sirens, horns, trains, and midnight fireworks – but…

  • Bugging Out

    Bugging Out

    Confession:  we have bugs. This is New York City!  Helloooo!  Everyone has bugs…or mice…or rats…or toilet snakes!  Exhibit A: Bug seen on counter, near oh-so-precious coffee maker!!! Exhibit B: Bug seen in cupboard, near plates and SPLENDA! Exhibit C: BUG ON THE COUCH.  My Fortress of Solitude!  My Bat-cave! Needless to say, the last breach…

  • I'm Afraid to Be Alone

    I’m a little ashamed to admit that I’m afraid to live by myself.  I don’t, of course, I have Eels.  And before that, I lived with my parents.  For many, many years. Here’s the embarrassing part:  I’m afraid to be alone at night.  And I’m almost 28 years old! Take, for example, a few years…

  • Homestyle Cures

    Homestyle Cures

    Here’s a big surprise:  I’m a massive hypochondriac.  Surprise!  I’m constantly running up imaginary fevers, contracting unexplainable bruises, and dying of a myriad of cancers.  It’s mostly all in your head, isn’t it?  Insert some witty observation about our own perception being the only possible filter so we lack objectivity when it comes to our…

  • Shop Like An Adult

    Shop Like An Adult

    It might be a sign that you’re becoming an adult when you go shopping and instead of buying  THIS: or THESE: you simply buy 14 PAIRS OF SOCKS. Well… maybe not TOO much of an adult: “These?  Well, one does want a hint of color.”Nathan Lane as Albert Goldman, The Birdcage

  • True Life: Bad Haircut

    True Life: Bad Haircut

    There are worse things in life. Far, far worse. But maybe the stress of juggling jobs, eating too many meatless corn dogs and too much Speculoos, and PMS made me go a little crazy today… While getting a trim, I tried to communicate what I wanted to the stylist and I guess I did a…

  • Mornings


    Mornings!  There are two types of mornings in this house.  There are the mornings when I wake up early and have nothing on the docket for the day: Like the other day, when I woke up, watched RuPaul’s Drag Race, ate a burrito, then went back to bed for a little nap.  Amazing. Then there…

  • What I Believe

    I believe in recycling…always. I believe everyone has the right to the very best help we can provide. I believe in taking pictures because they last longer. I believe life is worth living for. I believe laughter helps. I believe we all have the ability to change the world for the better, if we choose…

  • Hell’s Damn It Kitchen

    Hell’s Damn It Kitchen

    At the end of this week, I will (hopefully) be giving ghost tours in Hell’s Kitchen!  Which meant that today, on the hottest day of the ever EVERS, I practiced walking the route IN THE HOT.  And came across this: Fitting, no?  Although I’m pretty sure the creature terrorizing the neighborhood is ME. Me, with…

  • Not Guilty

    Not Guilty

    Call me wicked, call me wasteful, tell me I’m lazy and self-indulgent, but I refuse – REFUSE – to feel guilty about enjoying my life. If like has a purpose, what is it?  Is death like an audit – having to account for and justify every moment spent, every dollar?  Is frivolity against the law?…

  • Oh Baby

    A lot of people my age (and even younger) have been having a lot of babies lately. Litters of them, if Facebook is any indication! Which is completely befuddling to me because I can’t even imagine being adult enough to care for a human being, much less a human being at its most needy, vulnerable…

  • Why I Am The Coolest Person Evar

    Why I Am The Coolest Person Evar

    It’s a big, big world, and sometimes, it’s easy to feel rather small in it.  When you consider all the people out there who are wealthier, prettier, happier…and then there’s about 14 Kardashians who are all of the above and for no discernible reason. That is why it one must – MUST! – remind themselves…

  • Reunited and it Feels So Good?

    Reunited and it Feels So Good?

    It’s coming up!  That day you plan outfits for all your life.  The time you look forward to since you’re a little girl in school.  The big day you plan to emerge from your chrysalis and take on the scene as a grown woman and all eyes will be on you. This spring will be…

  • Broadway Beats the Blues

    Broadway Beats the Blues

    Petula Clark once said “when you’re alone and life is making you lonely you can always go…downtown.”  I’ve also heard them say the neon lights are bright on Broadway.  So I hit the pavement in search of adventure to shake the funk I’ve been in lately. See?  This is the pavement I hit-ed. I feel…