Reunited and it Feels So Good?

It’s coming up!  That day you plan outfits for all your life.  The time
you look forward to since you’re a little girl in school.  The big day
you plan to emerge from your chrysalis and take on the scene as a grown
woman and all eyes will be on you.

This spring will be my Ten Year High School Reunion!
Taken from the group’s facebook page
Or so I thought.

Much to my dismay, I have recently learned that the party planning committee, in their infinite folly, has scheduled the actual reunion for Thanksgiving Weekend, 2012.  Black Friday.  WHAT?!  That’s like scheduling a birthday party on Christmas.  Now I have to decide.

DO I want to go to this party?  I’ve often talked with my late friend about how nice it will be to see everyone all grown up, without the pressure, to meet people again and to be catty to the ones who used to tease us.  I don’t even know if I can face going without him.  I don’t know how I feel about celebrating the mere fact that I lived to see ten years post-graduation, taking it for granted, when I would have loved nothing more than for him to have been there also.

OR DO I, according to tradition, accompany Eels out to Cleveland for Thanksgiving with his family, as we have always planned?  I consider his family like my family, and even in the few short days we spend together, I enjoy getting to know them and building a relationship with them.  I always have a wonderful time, so the odds are pretty good on this one, although who even knows if I’ll live to see the next reunion?

Has anyone else gone to their ten-year reunion?  Was it worth it, or was it just a let-down?  Are reunions outdated in the post-facebook era of social media?  If you had to choose between friends or family, past or future, which would you pick?


8 responses to “Reunited and it Feels So Good?”

  1. Oooh, wow. That's a tough one. SO bizarre that they scheduled it for that weekend! My husband's ten-year is coming up and he is refusing to go (and poor little homeschooled me who doesn't GET a high school reunion is like, WHY???? WHY CAN'T WE GO????)

    I'll be interested to hear what you decide…

    1. I've pretty much already decided to go to Thanksgiving with my "extended family." I mean, I already stay in touch with all the people I care to stay in touch with online and in person, so why should I change my plans to see a bunch of people I barely care about? It is really unfair that I didn't even get the chance to do both, though.

  2. What a crappy day to have it. Gees. However, I will not go to any of my reunions becasue I see everyone on facebook.. you know. I'm lame.

    1. Right! Facebook and Twitter take care of all the people I care to stay in touch with – and the ones I didn't like I can look up on Facebook to see how miserable their lives have turned out. It's like a constant reminder of why I left my hometown, any time I can reach wifi!

  3. Best part of my 10-year reunion (the only one I attended) was seeing the girl who always had been picked on be the belle of the ball, so to speak — all trimmed down and rich and gorgeous. Other than that, I agree with you. I keep in touch with REAL friends anyway. So schedule your own reunion in the summer, when everyone can come and celebrate friendship and those who cannot be there in person.

    1. Yes!!! Are you familiar?

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