Bugging Out

Confession:  we have bugs.

This is New York City!  Helloooo!  Everyone has bugs…or mice…or rats…or toilet snakes! 

Exhibit A:

Bug seen on counter, near oh-so-precious coffee maker!!!

Exhibit B:

Bug seen in cupboard, near plates and SPLENDA!

Exhibit C:

My Fortress of Solitude! 
My Bat-cave!

Needless to say, the last breach was too much to stand and I had to CRUSH my enemy!  With a paper towel!

The worst part about buggy invaders is that you never feel safe.  You’re constantly vigilant.  And always…itchy.  Yes!  Imagining every perceived tickle is another evil bug, attacking you just when you let your guard down!

Next time the (free) building exterminator comes around, sign me up!


4 responses to “Bugging Out”

  1. Intruders! I currently have mice. Sometimes I clap randomly to be sure they don't think about getting near me.

    1. I wish my bugs were bothered by my presence! The couch bug was too close to my arm for comfort!

  2. You ain't seen nothing until you've seen "texas water bugs" aka- tree roaches…*shudder*

    1. ACK! I don't even want to think about it!

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