Tag: geek

  • Merry Dinosaurmas

    Merry Dinosaurmas

    ‘Twas the night before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event And all through the Mesozoic Era,Not a creature was stirring,Not even a pterosaur, plesiosaur, or ammonite. When all of a suddenThere arose such a clatterT-Rex reared to the skyTo see what was the matter From up in the airRained comets belowspelling extinction for 75% of Earth’s reigning…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Quinoa and Black Bean Tortilla Chips

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Quinoa and Black Bean Tortilla Chips

    Trader Joe’s Quinoa and Black Bean Tortilla Chips Tastes Like:  Quite salty, very savory and hearty tortilla chips.  Far more robust than your average corn chip! Great With:  Hummus, Trader Joe’s Reduced Guilt Chunky Guacamole, and a few days’ backup of Bloglovin’ feed. Perfect For:  NACHOS, specifically, Settlers of Catan-themed Nachos!  These chips are the…

  • We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    I know I’m tardy to the party here, but I just – *just* got my hands on Batgirl #35 – the now infamous “new Batgirl” – and am desperate to have discussion about it.  See, I have two friends – both dudes – one who hated it and the other liked it.  I’m inclined to…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: I WANT CANDY!

    5 Fandom Friday: I WANT CANDY!

    Wow-ee!  It’s been a month of linking up with The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick to play 5 Fandom Friday!  This was my favourite prompt so far and the easiest to answer: 1.  Mounds &  2.  Almond Joy  I was lucky growing up that both of my brothers and my mother despised coconut – as long…

  • Saturday at NYCC 2014

    Saturday at NYCC 2014

    So on Saturday at NYCC 2014 my friend dressed up as Ragdoll from Secret Six.  I spent a good part of the day taking photographs of his awesome cosplay and of getting his mask signed by Gail Simone – who confirmed NEW SECRET SIX STARTING IN DECEMBER!  At least we have something to look forward…

  • Friday at NYCC 2014

    Friday at NYCC 2014

    Friday morning I was all set to get to NYCC2014 bright and early when disaster struck! A water main broke on my subway line – where’s Aquaman when you actually NEED him? – and I wound up missing the only panel I really wanted to see that day.  It took a while for the pieces…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Nerdrobe Must-Haves

    5 Fandom Friday: Nerdrobe Must-Haves

    Welcome back to the second thrilling installment of 5 Fandom Friday with The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick!  This week, we’re talking about clothes.  Nerdy clothes!  Frak yes!  My nerdrobe (that’s a portmanteau of “nerd” and “wardrobe”, guh!) is pretty full to begin with but could always cast a spell to create more space for these…

  • #tbt Last Year’s ComicCon

    #tbt Last Year’s ComicCon

    TOMORROW IS NYCC NEW YORK COMIC CON! I hope everyone’s cosplay is finished, have gotten their flu shots, have bought enough granola bars to stuff into their bags, and have slid insoles into their Storm Trooper boots.  I am so excited to drool on Artist’s Alley, to finger all the merch on the show floor,…

  • Geeky Confessions

    Geeky Confessions

    Circling around the blogosphere is a little link-up started by Mariko of Gamerwife.  Loads of other nerds have listed their geek confessions and I think it does the world some good to see that there is diversity and acceptance out there, even for people who think that Riley was the best Buffy boyfriend.  Well, maybe…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Gateway Fandoms

    5 Fandom Friday: Gateway Fandoms

    The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick are running a two-month long community building project ( ? ) called Five Fandom Friday!  You know I love to play these wicked games and I couldn’t resist joining in on the fun!  If you do, too, please comment a link to your post as well!  I look forward to…

  • #tbt Baby’s First ComicCon

    #tbt Baby’s First ComicCon

    Okay, okay, so these photos are only from 2012.  But with NYCC only ONE WEEK AWAY, I thought it was appropriate to share these photos of my first time at ComicCon!  I had so much fun, I mean, LOOK at that face!  I even got to live out my dream of mackin’ on a Dalek!…

  • Currently… in October 2014

    Currently… in October 2014

    FEELING:  Optimistic.  Lucky.  Happy.  Things are going swell and I really can’t complain!  I’m a little busy, and kind of overwhelmed by that, but I like being busy!  Or so I keep telling myself! WATCHING:  NOTHING!  And I’m not even bothered one bit.  I have loads of Sailor Moon to catch up on when I…

  • Have Space Suit – Will Travel

    Have Space Suit – Will Travel

    Robert A. Heinlein has two modes: one is for long, drawn out emotional epics that will never leave you filled with characters who feel as close as family. But never forget that he also writes fast, fun stories like Have Space Suit -Will Travel. Meet Kip Russel, starry eyed – or should I say, MOONy…

  • Flashforward


    Last week, I spoke about my disappointment with Jurassic Park, and how I felt the movie was better.  In a dramatic turn of events, this week I review the novel Flashforward by Robert J. Sawyer, which was the inspiration for a one-season TV drama on ABC several years ago.  SPOILER ALERT:  THIS BOOK IS BETTER!…

  • #tbt A Tale of Two Robots

    #tbt A Tale of Two Robots

    On January 19th, 2012, I took this photo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn: Pay CLOSE ATTENTION the goofy little robots in the bottom, holding up the carnation? I loved this photo and the robots and the flower SO MUCH that I made that photo my lock screen photo for the past, like, two and a half YEARS.…

  • Currently…in July 2014

    Currently…in July 2014

    FEELING:  Dotty and dopey and dripping with dandyness!  Sunny days are here at last and I’m making the most of it, stretching my legs on the sidewalks and giving flight to my fancies.  I’m taking strolls and seeing sights so sweet it’s like my heart could burst.  WATCHING: Monday Night is still Hulu night as…

  • Batman:  Hush

    Batman: Hush

    Do you have that friend?  Of course you do.  That friend who can only ever talk about their boyfriend/girlfriend to the utter and complete exclusion of absolutely everything else? In Hush, that friend is Batman. Oh don’t give me “spoiler face,” this shit happens in like the first ten pages.  Get over yourself. Which is…

  • Currently…in June 2014

    Currently…in June 2014

    FEELING:  What a change from last month!  Suddenly I feel inspired and accomplished.  My plan to do a ton of little creative projects has meant I’m now having more and better ideas.  I feel like I’m back to my creative self.  WATCHING: Now that I’ve finished Attack on Titan, I’m loving Sailor Moon on Hulu!…

  • Attack on Titan

    Attack on Titan

    Fair warning:  DO NOT start watching Attack on Titan if you have anything important happening in the next 24 hours.  Because that shit is just not going to happen. Now I finally understand why NYCC ’13 was overrun by cosplayers in white leggings with electrical tape detail and brown leather jackets.  It’s because Attack on…

  • According to Instagram…

    According to Instagram…

    The sweet-and-beautiful-online-and-in-real-life Eeka at Live.Love.Random recently did a post called “According to Instagram” about the telling nature of her Instagram feed.  And I vowed to steal that idea.  Fair warning, I left a comment!  And it turns out, my Instagram feed pretty much paints an accurate picture of who I am: ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM:  …