Tag: tmi

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  I’m Getting Around To It!

    5 Fandom Friday: I’m Getting Around To It!

    Everybody does it:  we bite off more than we can chew.  We buy books that look enticing, read the first few pages or chapters and then…life gets in the way.  I know I’m so guilty of this.  Here’s the short list of books on my shelf that I keep meaning to read – hey!  I’m…

  • Owning It

    Owning It

    This week celebrates a kind of monumental anniversary for me.  Last year, I had to put an end to an unfortunate situation that I found myself in.  I share this in the hopes that my story helps someone else own something that’s happening – or has happened – to them. On July 28th, 2012, I…

  • Skin Sack and Poop Factory

    Skin Sack and Poop Factory

    What a title.  Bear with me. In a conversation with my boyfriend some weeks back, the idea of self-image came up.  I divulged that when I think of myself as a physical being, the first thing that comes to mind is a misshapen skin sack.  The skin of my body: scars, tattoos, fat, hair, rashes,…

  • Four Years Later

    Four Years Later

    Four years ago this afternoon, I sat on a bench overlooking this view and heard that my friend was gone. Four years – a lifetime – a matter of minutes And not a day goes by that I don’t have trouble believing itdon’t wish it had all been a dreamdon’t imagine I could still talk…

  • Escargot All Out

    Escargot All Out

    When you’re dashing to a lunch date with your feller and he texts you this picture: …you know your lazy Sunday is about to get a whole lot more interesting. The plan was to meet at The Lobster Place in Chelsea Market (home of The Food Network.  No, really).  We had intended to park at…

  • Geeky Confessions

    Geeky Confessions

    Circling around the blogosphere is a little link-up started by Mariko of Gamerwife.  Loads of other nerds have listed their geek confessions and I think it does the world some good to see that there is diversity and acceptance out there, even for people who think that Riley was the best Buffy boyfriend.  Well, maybe…

  • 30


    I’ve spent the better part of the past year – maybe even longer – fretting about my impending 30th birthday. it seems like such a monumental number.  like New Year’s Eve, or Daylight Savings.  when the clock flips over on midnight, I will be thirty. everything different.  a whole new decade.  I will be changed.…

  • Private Property

    Private Property

    I have been reading the reactions to the Isla Vista killings like I can’t get enough.  Elliot Rodgers acting out in violence because he felt entitled to female attention struck a chord with me and rattled me in a very personal way.  You see, earlier this year I had to seek legal intervention to prevent…

  • Functionally Funked

    Functionally Funked

    One of the best decisions I ever made in my adult life was to spend a year getting weekly therapy.  At the time, I felt trapped, hopeless, alone, and desperate – in a way that I’d felt many times in the past.  Thankfully, I was able to seek the help of a professional – two,…

  • Luke Sleepwalker

    Luke Sleepwalker

    When I was a kid, I used to sleepwalk.  Like a champ.  Out the door, down the stairs, through the hall, round the kitchen, down another hall and wind up waking up in the room with my parents watching Nick at Nite, wondering why my dad was going on about witches and talking horses.  Kind…

  • Fake Geeks on the Internet

    Fake Geeks on the Internet

    First, they came for the Fake Geek Girls. A crazy uproar on the internet about girls “pretending” to like “geeky things” “for the attention.”  So many air-quotes, I may have accidentally rerouted planes from JFK.  And that’s because I have so many ragey feelings on the matter that I can’t keep my fingers still. Then,…

  • A Helping Hand

    A Helping Hand

    New Yorkers get a bad rep for being “rude” all the time.  You say “rude,” I think you mean “fast.”  Yes, we move very quickly and don’t take kindly to things/people/strollers that happen to be in our way. But ask a New Yorker for help and they will be more than happy to oblige.  Ask…

  • Ugly Naked Gal

    Ugly Naked Gal

    An open letter to the creep pointing and laughing at me from across the alley: Dear Jerk, So you’ve noticed I like walking around my apartment naked.  Yes, when home alone, I walk around my apartment naked.  I’m sure most people do.  I’ve been walking around naked at this particular address since August 2012.  Here…

  • 3 AM

    I don’t know if it’s stress, or neighbors, or some weird biological fault of mine, but for the past few weeks as far back as I can remember, I have been waking up at 3am every morning. Oh, I must be lonely.  That must be it. And when I say “awake,” I mean AWAKE.  Like,…

  • Baggage Claim

    Baggage Claim

    As I get older I talk less and less. ….about my baggage. There is some baggage that’s easy to claim.  The nice stuff.  The baggage where we triumph, the baggage where we learn to become the hero.  That nice, rolling kind with the rotating 360 degree wheels.  It’s easy for me to talk to strangers…

  • Mega-Throwback Thursday!!!

    Mega-Throwback Thursday!!!

    When you visit the family, and the boxed wine gets flowing, eventually the photo albums creep out from their hiding place.  What results then is a firestorm of Instagramming photos from decades ago!  Awww!  So cute, I was!  This is one of my favourite photos of me, of all time. Look at this cute lil’…

  • Forget Ugly Sweaters…

    Forget Ugly Sweaters…

    …Look, I’m pretty sure this whole “ugly sweater” craze that’s sweeping the nation is a ruse invented by the thrift shop industry in an attempt to sell more ugly sweaters.  I sorta feel the same way about that hit song by Macklemore.  Like, is wearing an ugly sweater supposed to be daring?  Back in my…

  • Poo-Pourri:  I Am Not Making This Shit Up

    Poo-Pourri: I Am Not Making This Shit Up

    I finally saw the full ad for Poo-Pourri, a product that promises to completely eliminate toilet odors from your life forever and ever.  It’s real.  And apparently, it works, too. But watching the video left me with a crappy feeling.  Here’s another company trying to make money off our insecurities, screamed my gut.  Look, fact…

  • Sick Thoughts

    Sick Thoughts

    Everyone tells me, “You push yourself too hard,” as if that’s supposed to be negative!  In my opinion, I should push harder.  I’m proud of pushing hard!  Pushing hard is a badge of honor! Until it catches up to you. So this week I have caught what I am assuming is either yellow fever or…

  • Re-Stringing the Pearls

    Re-Stringing the Pearls

    So for Thanksgiving I went with my boyfriend and his entire extended family to a fancy fancy restaurant.  Can you say nervous?  And you know me, I would LIVE in sweatpants if I could.  Getting fancy happens once in a very, very, very rare occurrence.  But I donned an all-black ensemble and topped it off…