Tag: ice cream

  • Do It Cuz It’s Good For You, Keep Doin’ It Cuz It Feels So Goooood

    Do It Cuz It’s Good For You, Keep Doin’ It Cuz It Feels So Goooood

      Cross yourself and pray that this isn’t fake news, because research is finally saying all the right things, you know?   First, a study out of Kyorin University in Japan suggests that eating ice cream for breakfast can improve mental performance. Details here. Why ice cream? The reason still isn’t clear, but do you really care? The…

  • Inside the SOLD OUT Museum of Ice Cream!

    Inside the SOLD OUT Museum of Ice Cream!

    When we heard through the grapevine — okay, Facebook — that there was going to be a limited-run, popup Museum of Ice Cream in New York this summer, we immediately bought tickets. Turns out, that was a good move, because by the time we got around to going, the event was SOLD OUT. That’s right, y’all, if…

  • The Popsicle Zodiac

    The Popsicle Zodiac

    Pink: Total hedonist.  You enjoy only the finest things in life.  Your bed has no fewer than six pillows.  That’s four pillows more than necessary, and you know it.  Your most frequent recurring nightmare is the one where you realize your favourite designer handbag is actually a knockoff.  Blue:  You were the first kid to…

  • I’m Sick of Being Sick!

    I’m Sick of Being Sick!

    What did you get for Christmas?  I got the longest-lasting cold!!  I brought it back to New York City with me and maybe I didn’t treat it right: On the first day of sickness, I went to the hospital (for my dermatology appointment, more on that later!) and sat for hours in a waiting room…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Blog Snax

    5 Fandom Friday: Blog Snax

    Yes!  A food prompt!  I love these!  And this one is super specific, so I can’t wait to find out what everyone else munches on while blogging be honest everyone!!!  1.  Peanut M&Ms  went from being my least favourite M&M flavour to the one I crave all the time.  Oh!  How can I but sing…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Salted Caramel Gelato

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Salted Caramel Gelato

    Trader Joe’s Salted Caramel Gelato Tastes Like:  Words fail!  It’s creamy, savory, sweet.  But does it taste like salted caramel?  I would say “no.”  It’s got a sort of butterscotch-y flavor to it, and it’s delicious, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not even sure if I’d know the taste of “salted caramel,” to be honest…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gone Bananas!

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gone Bananas!

    Trader Joe’s Gone Bananas! Tastes Like:  banana-flavoured popsicle, heavily coated in a thick, crunchy layer of dark chocolate. Great With:  milk and cartoons. Perfect For:  kids, kids at heart, and sock monkeys.  These aren’t too sweet, but are definitely creamy and the dark chocolate is nice quality.  Which is a thing us sock monkeys really…

  • New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    The New Year’s Eve Meme from Sunday Stealing! In 2014, I gained:  a new job, a new friend, and a hot boyfriend. Hi! I lost:  my first pet, Charlie. I stopped:  working in retail – “and that has made all the difference.”  I never realized how shitty I was being treated on a daily basis…

  • Scientifically Perfect Chocolate Ice Cream

    Scientifically Perfect Chocolate Ice Cream

    I whipped up a batch of this (with some help from my boyfriend’s mom) on Thanksgiving morning…could this be a new tradition?  Ice cream instead of turkey?  It’s easier to carve and if you ask me, it’s a lot more delicious! As a bonus, here’s a shot of “helper” dog, Rosie…  who supervised:

  • Enh, What’s Up, Diane? Ice Cream

    Enh, What’s Up, Diane? Ice Cream

    ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION:  it has recently come to my attention that Diane Keaton, aka TheGreatestStarOfAll, likes to dip carrots in peanut butter.Class, can we think of anyone else who does this?  OH WAIT.  ME.  That’s right. And while I may cringe at the thought of carrots in ice cream, peanut butter on ice cream is…

  • Chocolate Chippuccino Ice Cream

    Chocolate Chippuccino Ice Cream

    As I lay awake in bed at night, I think of ice cream recipes to try.  I’m not kidding. This one came to me as I woke from a blissful and restful slumber one Sunday morning.  I thought, “How could I make the ultimate coffee flavored ice cream?” The lineup: 1 pint of heavy cream…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Mmmm Comfort

    5 Fandom Friday: Mmmm Comfort

    Five down and four to go on Five Fandom Friday.  I’m sad to see this meme on the way out but I am happy that today’s prompt is once again about FOOD!  I love food and what’s better than COMFORT FOOD?  I can’t wait to read everybody’s food choices this week.  I hope mine pass…

  • Currently…in November 2014

    Currently…in November 2014

    FEELING:  Some day, I won’t be stressed anymore.  I swear.  The last two weeks in October were a MESS of constant tours and work, and that seems to have carried over.  I’m constantly jumping through hoops and completely going out of my mind but all this is so much fun and so challenging, that it…

  • Snickerdoodle Ice Cream

    Snickerdoodle Ice Cream

    I call this sundae, “Gluten-Free To Be You And Me.” For my second experiment with homemade ice cream, I wanted to make a coffee ice cream that would taste like the flavoured coffee I loved getting from Tom’s.  I used half a batch of ice cream base, plus 1/2oz of cold brew coffee concentrate, roughly…

  • Balsamic Berry Brownie Bonanza

    Balsamic Berry Brownie Bonanza

    You guys you guys you guys.  My life has been changed forever. I have learned how to make my own ice cream. Now, you know how I hate to cook, but trust me, this is so easy, even I don’t hate it.  And I’m barely competent enough to boil water.  And that’s only so I…