Tag: Heinlein

  • Laziness


    My angel cherubs, let me advise you: be very wary of people who have no trouble picking a favorite book. It usually indicates that they have very little basis for comparison, if you know what I mean. I mean they must not read much! I really hate when websites prompt me to set up “security questions”…

  • Currently… in October 2015

    Currently… in October 2015

    FEELING:  Compared to last month?  Soooo much better.  Oh, I’m going out and doing things, taking on projects, I feel more confident in my ability to move on with my life and do things.  From little things like painting the bathroom and putting up the shelves in the office, to just touching up my roots…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    5 Fandom Friday: Whhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I can’t even.  This week we’re talking about fandom a deaths we still can’t even.  Oh, the feels.  Dare we?  Truly, dare we? 1.  Hoban Washburne from Firefly  sorry if you didn’t see the movie, but this happens, and it’s DREADFUL.  Funny story:  after seeing the movie, I had pizza at John’s of Bleecker, and…

  • Starship Troopers

    Starship Troopers

    This is arguably the most famous of Heinlein’s novels and I would venture to say it is probably the least typical Heinlein novel.  The humour is sparse, there’s almost no sexual encounters, and the female characters can be counted on one hand.  While I always enjoy The Dean’s writing, I found this one to be…

  • Podkayne of Mars

    Podkayne of Mars

    I can’t wait to introduce you to Podkayne of Mars!!!  Told as a diary written by Poddy Fries, nine Mars years old (which is like 16 Earth years – because of the longer orbit, duh, Heinlein thinks of everything) and about to embark on the journey that will change her young life!! But then –…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Spin Spin Spinoff

    5 Fandom Friday: Spin Spin Spinoff

    I’m not a fan of spinoffs, generally, since Angel was such a disappointment after Buffy.  Most of the things I love just happen to wrap up in tidy, complete packages.  I can’t imagine, for instance, continuing the story of Les Miserables, or Battlestar Galactica, or Love in the Time of Cholera.  So I struggled immensely…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Not Of This World…

    5 Fandom Friday: Not Of This World…

    This week’s 5 Fandom Friday features our Five Favourite Aliens!  Kick it up to Warp Speed and join me, The Nerdy Girlie, and Super Space Chick and hashtag #5FANDOMFRIDAY and #FANDOM5 with your 5 favourite aliens – self included! 1.  THE DOCTOR  in all his various incarnations.  I think my favourite has to be Tom…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Fictional Fashion

    5 Fandom Friday: Favourite Fictional Fashion

    Favourite Fictional Fashion (or: “I just want to rock a jumpsuit): 1.  Kaylee Frye from Firefly  makes a jumpsuit look pretty…pretty, actually! 2.  Batgirl of Burnside  has some admittedly hipster but fashionable looks!  I would absolutely raid her closet. 3.  Friday from Friday  normally I’d never want to dress (or is undress the word) like…

  • I Will Fear No Evil

    I Will Fear No Evil

    What do you get when you put the brain of a dying old man into the body of an impossibly hot young woman?  I Will Fear No Evil explores every possible angle of a horny old man being surgically implanted into the body of his secretary to prolong his life.  Questions like, “Where is the…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  OH MAMA!

    5 Fandom Friday: OH MAMA!

    In honor of Mother’s Day (probably?) let’s dish on favourite moms!  Kinda weird, but okay… 1.  Joyce Summers  was the coolest of the cool teenage vampire slayers’ moms.  Sure, Buffy and her’s relationship wasn’t always perfect, but she stuck up for her daughter and was pretty badass in her own right – esp. with Giles…

  • Time for the Stars

    Time for the Stars

    As far as Heinlein goes, this one is probably one of the least convoluted, and most child-appropriate.  That said, he falls into what I like to think of as his “short-book” pattern, where the first half is slow, plodding character development.  You get to know someone, get to like them…and then in the third act,…

  • Orphans of the Sky

    Orphans of the Sky

    At 128 pages, you may have a hard time believing this is a Heinlein novel.  But it is!  And a doozy at that!  First, let’s grok the title page: You’re probably wondering, “What does this book smell like?”  I’ll let those dates suffice to tell you it smells like Heaven, pure heaven. It also has…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  I Shall Name You…

    5 Fandom Friday: I Shall Name You…

    This was a fun prompt to think about!  There are so many awesome names out there that I had a hard time culling the list down to just five!  I can’t wait to see everyone else’s answers!  I got a little fancy and picked two people-names, an animal name, a wireless network name (the most…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: I Heart U & U

    5 Fandom Friday: I Heart U & U

    Ah, swooning over fictional couples, a time-honoured fandom tradition!  Nothing like the perfect romance that can only exist in stories to make your actual life seem like crap.  And that’s why we love it!  1.  Lazarus Long and Adorable Dora, Time Enough For Love by Robert A. Heinlein  tl:dr version: LL rescues a baby from…

  • New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    The New Year’s Eve Meme from Sunday Stealing! In 2014, I gained:  a new job, a new friend, and a hot boyfriend. Hi! I lost:  my first pet, Charlie. I stopped:  working in retail – “and that has made all the difference.”  I never realized how shitty I was being treated on a daily basis…

  • To Sail Beyond the Sunset

    To Sail Beyond the Sunset

    And if you think the cover is racy, just put the book down right now.  Because underneath the cover (heh) is a whirlwind of outrageous sexual exploits beyond your imagination.  Still with me?  Okay.  That having been said, I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but to say that from page 1-2 you will…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Fictional Friendsgiving

    5 Fandom Friday: Fictional Friendsgiving

    1.  Hagrid  seems like he knows how to bring the party, huh?  I imagine he wouldn’t be the easiest party guest to have (possibly breaking chairs and all) but I don’t stand on formality. 2.  Ralph Dibney  might otherwise spend the holiday alone, what with the whole…Identity Crisis incidents and all.  If your heart doesn’t…

  • Friday


    If I tell you what Friday is about, you’ll cringe.  I cringed.  And I’m Heinlein’s NUMBER ONE FAN.  But yeah, it’s hard not to cringe at the back cover: But what do we know about judging a book by it’s cover?  That ya shouldn’t oughta do it, that’s what.  And here’s why.  In between that…

  • Time Enough For Love

    Time Enough For Love

    There are some Heinlein books that are speedy, breezy adventures.  Others will take over your life, seep into your soul, refuse to let go, wrong you out like a sponge and then sop you full of brilliance.  Time Enough for Love may be the epitome of such a novel. Confession:  I think I went about…

  • Have Space Suit – Will Travel

    Have Space Suit – Will Travel

    Robert A. Heinlein has two modes: one is for long, drawn out emotional epics that will never leave you filled with characters who feel as close as family. But never forget that he also writes fast, fun stories like Have Space Suit -Will Travel. Meet Kip Russel, starry eyed – or should I say, MOONy…