Tag: Batman

  • Now That I’ve Seen Batman’s Penis, I’ll Never Be The Same

    Now That I’ve Seen Batman’s Penis, I’ll Never Be The Same

      So, DC Comics has launched a new label called “DC Black” (“why it gotta be black?” — RuPaul) which is aimed at a more “mature” audience, presumably to tell stories with more sexual content, because they had no problem grappling with extreme, disturbing violence content under their existing label. Especially when it came to…

  • Convergence:  Nightwing and Oracle

    Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle

    Nightwing may get top billing in this two-part Convergence story, but it’s Oracle (Barbara Gordon) who clearly steals the show.  Told mostly from her perspective, the story examines the more human aspects of being trapped under the giant dome. In very few well-chosen words and images, the reader quickly understands the psychological implications of being…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Resolutions

    I’m not like, 100% sure what a “fandom resolution” is yet, so I may be wayyy off base here in my list, but I’m also really excited to see how everyone else interpreted the prompt!  On with the Five! 1.  Watch more Classic Doctor Who (2, 3, and 5)  because I loooove me some Tom…

  • Currently…in January 2015

    Currently…in January 2015

    FEELING:  I’m currently in the middle of Winter Break from school and I could absolutely get used to this!  I can’t believe I’m sleeping in until after the sun rises (SO BRIGHT!). WATCHING:  I’m still working my way through recent seasons of Law & Order: SVU!  When I have time, I’d love to watch more…

  • Batman: Endgame

    Batman: Endgame

    Confession:  I’m getting kind of tired of the Joker. I got through Death of the Family but just barely:  those rambling romantic Batman/Joker dialogues nearly lost me forever.  But when a friend tipped me off that Batman:  Endgame was going to be epic, I had to check it out.  My first impression was…not the best.…

  • Currently… in December 2014

    Currently… in December 2014

    FEELING:  Excited and challenged!  I have a lot of catching up to do at my new job but I’m so excited to feel so useful, and I love hoping that I can make a difference!  I feel like I should have done this a long time ago. WATCHING:  After watching Cold Case at the laundromat…

  • Batgirl #36: So Close…

    Batgirl #36: So Close…

    Welcome to another installment of my conflicting feelings towards the newest run of Batgirl.  My feelings continue to be all over the map.  With issue #35, I had a strange apathy towards the comic.  I wasn’t sure whether or not to like it.  When I heard buzz that issue #36 was “even better,” I knew…

  • We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    We Have To Talk About Batgirl

    I know I’m tardy to the party here, but I just – *just* got my hands on Batgirl #35 – the now infamous “new Batgirl” – and am desperate to have discussion about it.  See, I have two friends – both dudes – one who hated it and the other liked it.  I’m inclined to…

  • Sunday at NYCC

    Sunday at NYCC

    Sunday was my longest day so far at New York Comic Con, with the least photos to show for it!  I decided to try to throw together a last-minute costume and felt really cute doing this twee, hipster, gender-bent Fourth Doctor!  Saw the talking K-9 and couldn’t resist.  We made a smashing pair, isn’t that…

  • Identity Crisis

    Identity Crisis

    So much is said about Identity Crisis when really, so little can be said without revealing major spoilers.  Let me introduce you to a couple of very special ladies.  First of all, meet Sue Dibny. Adoring wife to Ralph Dibny, The Elongated Man.  I’ll let you go ahead and stare at how beautiful that panel…

  • Batman:  Hush

    Batman: Hush

    Do you have that friend?  Of course you do.  That friend who can only ever talk about their boyfriend/girlfriend to the utter and complete exclusion of absolutely everything else? In Hush, that friend is Batman. Oh don’t give me “spoiler face,” this shit happens in like the first ten pages.  Get over yourself. Which is…