Currently… in December 2014

FEELING:  Excited and challenged!  I have a lot of catching up to do at my new job but I’m so excited to feel so useful, and I love hoping that I can make a difference!  I feel like I should have done this a long time ago.
WATCHING:  After watching Cold Case at the laundromat to avoid making conversation with a creepy lady, I remembered how much I loved cop dramas and started catching up on Law & Order: SVU.  I’ve also gotten my boyfriend hooked on Bob’s Burgers and have been trying to catch up on past seasons of South Park myself!

LISTENING TO:  It’s finally okay to listen to Christmas music, and I’m actually really happy about that!  I’m still enjoying my Big Band/Swing/Classics Pandora station, but want to phase in some dreamy old holiday standards as well.
READING:  The latest instalment of Batman – but not for Batman at all!  I need to find time to pick up a book, but for now, work is keeping me busy!

WORKING ON:  Knitting projects I’ve been commissioned by friends, mostly hats of various types.  I’ve got my work cut out for me!
THINKING ABOUT:  Christmas plans, family, and the wonderful new life I’m leading.  I’m always thinking about how to excite my students – or how to get them to sit down!  I’m so absorbed by my new job and the holidays happening!
EATING:  Rarely – I’m trying so hard at work to grab a bite between classes and copying papers but I’m having some success with pasta + fake chicken.  I’m having a half (gluten free) bagel in the morning and grabbing some fruit to go and eat on the way, and coming home to cookies before I pass out for dinner…uhhhh…shouldn’t have said that last part.
LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Going to Central Park to sing on December 8th.  It’s my spiritual time, and it was so amazing last year (when I serendipitously went, see photo above) that I’m eager to go this year!  Also, my good friend is coming in to visit me this upcoming weekend!  I’m not a big Christmas person (the season reminds me of tragedy) but I’m surprised to feel warmly towards decking the halls and getting all jolly and whatnot…I have big plans for holiday decorations that I can’t share yet but I’m so excited!
MAKING ME HAPPY:  MY NEW JOB!  Getting to see my family for Thanksgiving – a rare treat!  I can’t get over the fact that I actually got to see them and go home and hang out in the hometown for two days – that makes me elated. 


3 responses to “Currently… in December 2014”

  1. Yay for a new job! And I love cop dramas! I love for a SVU marathon!

  2. Congrats on your new job!

  3. I'm so glad you are enjoying your new job!


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