Tag: life

  • Used


    While doing unabashed snooping for Valentine’s Day gifts, I asked my boyfriend what kinds of things he likes.  That’s a pretty general question, right? His reply:  Things that become more of themselves the more that they are used. Huh?  Here’s a good example of this:  we were in Pottery Barn a few weeks back and…

  • Adjusting to the New Job

    In period 2, we discussed the difference between “hatch” and “catch” using specific examples from Pokemon.  #gottacatchemall — Meghan Sara Karre (@MeghanSaraK) January 6, 2015 So you all know because I keep talking about it that I got a new job in a school back in December.  It’s been more or less like a month…

  • New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    The New Year’s Eve Meme from Sunday Stealing! In 2014, I gained:  a new job, a new friend, and a hot boyfriend. Hi! I lost:  my first pet, Charlie. I stopped:  working in retail – “and that has made all the difference.”  I never realized how shitty I was being treated on a daily basis…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Blogging Resolutions

    There’s always room for improvement!  And while I’ve been mostly pleased with my commitment to my blog this year, I have some clear ideas of how to improve it for next year: 1.  MOAR PICTURES  I’ve been pretty lax about picture-taking in general, and I love looking at other blogs with juicy pictures of REAL…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Roasted Garlic Marinara

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Roasted Garlic Marinara

    Trader Joe’s Roasted Garlic Marinara Tastes Like:  Perfect tomato sauce.  A tiny bit sweet, a touch of garlic, savory and perfectly seasoned. Great With:  Spiralized zucchini or yellow squash, brown rice pasta, or splashing over the top of an omelette. Perfect For:  Stocking up as a cupboard staple.  Much easier than thinking about cooking is…

  • Currently…in November 2014

    Currently…in November 2014

    FEELING:  Some day, I won’t be stressed anymore.  I swear.  The last two weeks in October were a MESS of constant tours and work, and that seems to have carried over.  I’m constantly jumping through hoops and completely going out of my mind but all this is so much fun and so challenging, that it…

  • Currently… in October 2014

    Currently… in October 2014

    FEELING:  Optimistic.  Lucky.  Happy.  Things are going swell and I really can’t complain!  I’m a little busy, and kind of overwhelmed by that, but I like being busy!  Or so I keep telling myself! WATCHING:  NOTHING!  And I’m not even bothered one bit.  I have loads of Sailor Moon to catch up on when I…

  • To The Infant I Couldn't Stop Staring At In The Laundromat

    To The Infant I Couldn't Stop Staring At In The Laundromat

    hi, little guy.  I hope I didn’t creep you out by staring at you in your impossibly tiny sweatsuit.  I doubt if you even noticed – your eyes wide and flicking all over the room, pausing on each new amazing sight to process and file it away.  everything is new and nothing is taken for…

  • The Kindness of Strangers

    The Kindness of Strangers

    As he stepped up to the cash register I stood behind, he hooked the cane he had used to make his way to me slowly over his forearm.  He was strikingly handsome, for a man easily more than double my age.  His face hung from high cheekbones, pure white hair neatly swooped to one side…

  • Currently… in September 2014

    Currently… in September 2014

    FEELING:  I’m going to let my feet answer this one: THEY HURT!  Work has been keeping me hopping from one job to the next and I’m soaking my feet and taping the band-aids on but it feels like I’m stepping on shards of glass everywhere I go! WATCHING:  absolutely nothing at the moment!  As I…

  • Does Not Compute

    Does Not Compute

    well, it’s happened again.  last summer, my laptop was reduced to a useless piece of machinery by lack of a charge cord.  earlier this week, almost a year to the day later, it simply refused to turn on. I hve to wonder if the “robots” in my life just know what’s best for me and…

  • 30


    I’ve spent the better part of the past year – maybe even longer – fretting about my impending 30th birthday. it seems like such a monumental number.  like New Year’s Eve, or Daylight Savings.  when the clock flips over on midnight, I will be thirty. everything different.  a whole new decade.  I will be changed.…

  • Currently…in July 2014

    Currently…in July 2014

    FEELING:  Dotty and dopey and dripping with dandyness!  Sunny days are here at last and I’m making the most of it, stretching my legs on the sidewalks and giving flight to my fancies.  I’m taking strolls and seeing sights so sweet it’s like my heart could burst.  WATCHING: Monday Night is still Hulu night as…

  • Currently…in June 2014

    Currently…in June 2014

    FEELING:  What a change from last month!  Suddenly I feel inspired and accomplished.  My plan to do a ton of little creative projects has meant I’m now having more and better ideas.  I feel like I’m back to my creative self.  WATCHING: Now that I’ve finished Attack on Titan, I’m loving Sailor Moon on Hulu!…

  • Private Property

    Private Property

    I have been reading the reactions to the Isla Vista killings like I can’t get enough.  Elliot Rodgers acting out in violence because he felt entitled to female attention struck a chord with me and rattled me in a very personal way.  You see, earlier this year I had to seek legal intervention to prevent…

  • Day at the (Metropolitan) Museum (of Art)

    Day at the (Metropolitan) Museum (of Art)

    Finding myself alone and with no plans on a rainy Friday morning, I swallowed my pride and took myself on a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  I had a couple concerns going on a solo date to the museum: Concern #1:  That I would feel awkward being alone and not know what to…

  • According to Instagram…

    According to Instagram…

    The sweet-and-beautiful-online-and-in-real-life Eeka at Live.Love.Random recently did a post called “According to Instagram” about the telling nature of her Instagram feed.  And I vowed to steal that idea.  Fair warning, I left a comment!  And it turns out, my Instagram feed pretty much paints an accurate picture of who I am: ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM:  …

  • Functionally Funked

    Functionally Funked

    One of the best decisions I ever made in my adult life was to spend a year getting weekly therapy.  At the time, I felt trapped, hopeless, alone, and desperate – in a way that I’d felt many times in the past.  Thankfully, I was able to seek the help of a professional – two,…

  • Luke Sleepwalker

    Luke Sleepwalker

    When I was a kid, I used to sleepwalk.  Like a champ.  Out the door, down the stairs, through the hall, round the kitchen, down another hall and wind up waking up in the room with my parents watching Nick at Nite, wondering why my dad was going on about witches and talking horses.  Kind…

  • A Helping Hand

    A Helping Hand

    New Yorkers get a bad rep for being “rude” all the time.  You say “rude,” I think you mean “fast.”  Yes, we move very quickly and don’t take kindly to things/people/strollers that happen to be in our way. But ask a New Yorker for help and they will be more than happy to oblige.  Ask…