Year: 2012

  • Things I’m Digging On Lately

    Things I’m Digging On Lately

    I’m completely enamored of Sophie Blackall’s Arts for Transit project, Missed Connections on the New York subway.  I saw it on the F train on Thursday, and couldn’t decide who was my favourite!  The matchy-match suit guys, the scene kids in the left corner, or the balloon reading over someone’s shoulder! I am so in…

  • A Peek At… Dyckman Farmhouse Museum

    A Peek At… Dyckman Farmhouse Museum

    Dyckman Farmhouse Museum is located in Inwood.  Are you familiar with Inwood?  Count yourself lucky.  During our short stay, we were mildly sexually harassed, witnessed a man selling shrimp from the trunk of his car, learned of the new fad in butt-padded underwear, intervened in a fight a toddler was attempting to start with a…

  • Reunited and it Feels So Good?

    Reunited and it Feels So Good?

    It’s coming up!  That day you plan outfits for all your life.  The time you look forward to since you’re a little girl in school.  The big day you plan to emerge from your chrysalis and take on the scene as a grown woman and all eyes will be on you. This spring will be…

  • Fast Times at Morris-Jumel Mansion

    Fast Times at Morris-Jumel Mansion

    If you love history and scandal, one New York attraction you won’t want to miss is the Morris-Jumel Mansion.  It’s the oldest surviving house on the island, overlooking the East River at 161st Street. Fans of Downton Abbey will swoon at the beautiful decor and elaborate costumes.  Lovers of true-life historical drama will want to…

  • It’s Up To You

    It’s Up To You

    Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, I met a New Yorker who swore up and down that it was illegal to sing “New York, New York” within the boundaries of Manhattan.  I thought they were crazy. I was a starry-eyed young wisp of a thing who could imagine nothing grander than…

  • Weekend Brunch, Awkward Edition

    Weekend Brunch, Awkward Edition

    “Hey dude!  Sorry I’m late, man.  How are you?” “Oh, not so good, man.  She left me, dude.” “What?  Dude, no way.  Man, that’s BULL.” “Duuuuuude….too soon.”

  • Socrates Sculpture Park

    Socrates Sculpture Park

    Overlooking the Manhattan skyline from an unassuming waterfront property in Astoria is the Socrates Sculpture Park. Can you spot the turkey?

  • Dress Yourself

    Dress Yourself

    Question:  How old were you when you learned to dress yourself?  You probably don’t even remember, because you were so young!  I know I had a “Dressy Bessy” doll to teach me how to button buttons, snap snaps, lace laces, zipper zippers…uh…you get the idea.  Arms over the head, shirt on.  Pants, one leg at…

  • Awards Season

    Awards Season

    Please forgive me for being tardy to the party – awards season always seems to slip by me – but I’m finally back into a good swing and I am taking charge and taking this on RIGHT NOW! Earlier this month were the Enchanted Blog Awards… Rules: ♥If you have received this blog award, kindly…

  • Voyeur


    Perhaps it’s a sick hobby, but I adore people-watching.  Birds all look the same.  People are amazing.  We’re frail and guarded and vulnerable and stoic.  Never more so than on the subway.  It’s such a bizarre conceit:  we’re all crammed together, sometimes so tightly that we touch, but we’re bound by social constructs not to…

  • A Peek At… Malu

    A Peek At… Malu

    I’ll give you a topic:  Long Island City is neither in Long Island, nor is it much of a city.  Discuss. While you’re fighting that one out, I’m going to hop on a Queens-bound R train and GO to Long Island City for some ice cream from Malu! If I had to sum up the…

  • Life’s A Beach

    Life’s A Beach

    In the best possible way!  Like, for instance, you could be walking through a random, industrial part of Queens and suddenly find yourself on a tiny beach overlooking Manhattan.  WHAT?  WHY?  I don’t know.  Just let it in.  Enjoy it.  And take pictures! I mean, after all, who knows how many secret beaches there are…

  • A Peek At… Emack & Bolio’s Ice Cream

    A Peek At… Emack & Bolio’s Ice Cream

    When Zagat rates you #1 Speciality Dessert in NYC 5 years in a row, you do not escape notice. Yet, tucked away on First Ave on the Upper East Side, Emack & Bolio’s ice cream shop stays grounded and true to their roots. Upon confessing that it was our first time (and staring blankly in…

  • Fears


    I have a fear of losing control. I have a fear of being helpless. I have a fear of not having my feet firmly on the ground. No, literally!  I hate being suspended, or hovering, or not being able to see my safety net.  It’s terrifying!  Gusseted by my brave friend, and the sugar high…

  • Let me take you down, cuz I’m going to…

    Let me take you down, cuz I’m going to…

    Visiting Strawberry Fields in Central Park is a religious experience. I’ve been thinking a lot about life, and how simple it all really is. I’m not a philosopher, or a psychologist – you may say, I’m a dreamer – but I have this new theory that I’ve been working on.  Here it is: Everyone wants…

  • Feast Your Eyes on Hand of Man (Owego, NY)

    Feast Your Eyes on Hand of Man (Owego, NY)

    Just over the “new, historic” bridge traversing the mighty Susquehanna River into Owego is the River Rose Cafe, sharing a building with what just might be the most visually stunning shop I’ve ever been in – Hand of Man. They sell every beautiful thing you could imagine.  Jewelry!  Christmas ornaments!  And a squadron of angels…

  • A Peek At… Riverow Bookshop (Owego, NY)

    A Peek At… Riverow Bookshop (Owego, NY)

    A bibliophile’s dream is to wake up at Riverow Bookshop. Located across from the mighty Susquehanna River, Riverow Bookshop was one of those hardest hit during the September flooding in Owego.  But you’d never know it by the way they have retained their absolute charm and serenity.  And Christmas decorations: The exterior of the building…

  • Oh We Go – Owego!

    Oh We Go – Owego!

    If I couldn’t live in New York City, I think I could be happy in Owego, New York. This plucky small town just recovered from a devastating flood less than six months ago that put most of the town and everything I visited underwater. The Susquehanna River, and future site of Gateway Park Owego will…

  • Sunsets in Central Park

    Sunsets in Central Park

    My favourite type of day is a rainy day. My favourite time of day is dusk. When their forces combine, something enchanting and truly beautiful happens: I love how proud these bears look! Every bridge in Central Park is so unique and beautiful! Our adventure awaits To the west To the east To Wonderland (Alice…

  • Takin’ It To The Seats

    Takin’ It To The Seats

    There is an epidemic of rudeness on the A train whereby people – hell, MEN – take up more than one seat by deliberately spreading their legs apart. This is just NOT OKAY.  Some of them may not be aware that they are doing it, while others…well, they must relish in being enormous jerks.  Like…