Fast Times at Morris-Jumel Mansion

If you love history and scandal, one New York attraction you won’t want to miss is the Morris-Jumel Mansion.  It’s the oldest surviving house on the island, overlooking the East River at 161st Street.

Fans of Downton Abbey will swoon at the beautiful decor and elaborate costumes.  Lovers of true-life historical drama will want to come on Saturday for the 12:00 guided tour, which is only a dollar extra on top of the usual admission of $5 (and $5 doesn’t buy you much in NYC)! 
Previous residents in the house include a Tory, George Washington, and Eliza Jumel, one of the most scandalous characters in New York History!  I’ll save the juicy details for your visit, but I’ll just mention she was born the daughter of a prostitute and a sailor, and died one of the wealthiest women in New York, leaving her massive riches to charity.  Scandalous!

Also, Aaron Burr slept here.  Yup, Aaron Burr.
Check it out on the web!  See more pictures!  Learn a little history!  Our Founding Father would do it.

And finally…the stairs.  Everyone loves a good old set of stairs!  ‘Specially me.


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