Awards Season

Please forgive me for being tardy to the party – awards season always seems to slip by me – but I’m finally back into a good swing and I am taking charge and taking this on RIGHT NOW!

Earlier this month were the Enchanted Blog Awards…


you have received this blog award, kindly post the picture thumbnail
into your blog with the name of the one who gave it to you.

♥Don’t pass this award back to me!

♥Pass this blog award around to as many blogs as you like! (optional)

“Um, oh, gosh, wow!  Well, I’d like to thank Erica at Live.Love.Random for nominating me for this award, and for all her support on Instagram!  Oh, the viewers, I want to thank the viewers, oh without you I’d just be scribbling notes in a notebook and hiding it between my mattresses!  And my agent, and producer…You guys, this is such a surprise!  I didn’t even have time to write a speech!  Tee hee!”

That was awful.  How can you go into awards season without a speech prepared?  Guh.  I could only hope for a chance to redeem myself…

“Here are the rules for accepting the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.””Thank you so much, Kaity of Adventures of an American Girl, for nominating me for this prestigious award.  It means so much that a seasoned world-traveler and hard-working student would take time from her busy schedule to acknowledge my humble blog!  Why, it seems like only yesterday I was falling off the swingset on my fifth birthday to break my right arm in a vicious manner (1).  But did that stop me from blogging?  No!   My dreams were big, big like the collages of inspiration I taped to the walls of my childhood and current bedroom (2)!  I moved to New York City in the fall of 2008 (3) to pursue my dreams of being an actress (4) and to shack up indelicately with my boyfriend of (5) years, Eli!  Thank you, Eli, for almost never mocking me when I ask you to take my picture next to something “for my blog.”  I also want to thank my walking partner, Connie, who I’ve known since (6)th grade, for inspiring me to take so many fascinating adventures around New York City and leading me to the greatest ice cream shops around!  I should also mention my part-time work at FAO Schwarz and as a tour guide (7), for allowing me the luxury to have so much time to blog.  Thank you all so much, especially

Shaylynn at Red Lipstick & Melodies for raw, insightful and visually stunning blogging that inspires me,

Amie at Completely Unfinished for bringing unique style, awesome DIYs and perhaps the best blogging name that I wish I had thought of myself (it took me a minute to get it, I’ll admit, but it was SO worth it),

Julie at Can Soup Lover for introducing me to her glamorous life and providing drool-worthy pictures thereof,

Kassie Nichole at Ginger Flair for her equal talents at photography and outfit-making (is that even a word?  Her photos and her outfits are BOTH awesome and worth seriously checking out!),

Marissa at Sugar + Bean for her openness, her honesty and her beautiful crochet work.  I love the death out of the hat I won in her first giveaway, I’d follow and keep my eye on this one if I were you…

Elizabeth at love is the adventure for following her dreams all the way to her Ph.D!  Collect those letters, girl!  I’m rooting for ya!

at Live.Love.Random
(one good turn deserves another, eh?) presenting a unique perspective, and because she takes great Instagram photos too so you should follow those as well!

MaDonna at Me! MaDonna! whose closet I wish I could raid.  I would love to be her when I grow up!

Gabrielle at Paperplanes & Maryjanes for being super classy, representing Brooklyn (!) and having impeccable taste,

Emily at Life, etc whose beautiful pictures of babies are making me excited to see the pictures of her own soon-to-be-born son (!),

Erinn at It’s The Journey… is giving up pasta for Lent and she deserves all the support a human being can get, I think!

HannaH at Hey Zombot! for edgy retro flair and quirky awesomeness,

Misfit at Adventures of a Misfit Librarian is the best new blog I discovered TODAY and, as the daughter of TWO librarians, I feel a strong affinity already!

Sarah at SillyGrrl is an AMAZING web designer and a gorgeous aerialist!

Hans at The TILTING is, last but not least, my “older brother,” has impeccable taste, amazing sense of humour and is an incredible writer!

Thank you, thank you all so much!  You like me, you really like me!”


3 responses to “Awards Season”

  1. lol..that was cute! thanks for the award 🙂

  2. Girl, you're too sweet to me! Thanks for the mention! 🙂 Congratulations on being awesome. You've gotta let me know what that's like.

    1. Oh PLEASE! Your previous banner was so awesome that it inspired me to try my hand at making my own, and I daresay your NEW banner is (and I doubted that it could even be possible but it is in fact) EVEN MORE AWESOME than the first! You are a banner STAR!

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