I have a fear of losing control. I have a fear of being helpless. I have a fear of not having my feet firmly on the ground.

No, literally!  I hate being suspended, or hovering, or not being able to see my safety net.  It’s terrifying! 

Gusseted by my brave friend, and the sugar high from a Sprinkles cupcake, I boarded the Roosevelt Island Tram, despite having snapped this picture while it was stopped and swinging violently to and fro:

Ah, but it was smoother than expected!  Making a huge case for conquering fears.  Sometimes it pays off to take a leap of faith and try the things that make us nervous.
The views were the ultimate payoff, and it’s not that high, after all.


7 responses to “Fears”

    1. Thank you! I realize now I should have been looking out the window BEHIND me, to take pictures of the Manhattan skyline, but now I have incentive to ride the tram AGAIN!

  1. I didn't even know this existed. How long has it been around?

    1. It's been in operation since 1976, but was closed down for a while in 2006 and 2010 for repairs. So really, you get bicentennial ideas and modern safety. Perfect!

    2. Ah! I know why my father wouldn't have known about this then. In 1976 I was born and he was living up here in Montreal with my mum (and, you know, MOI!). When I went to NYC in May 2010 it would likely have been closed. I don't know if I could stomach flying through the sky though, but it certainly makes a brilliant way to commute!

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