Tag: words

  • Blogtember #16: Review — Living Single

    Blogtember #16: Review — Living Single

    All the Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up.Let’s be honest.  Having a relationship is great, but being single is tha bomb.  Whether you’re a veteran at being unattached or freshly dumped, you have to agree that it’s somewhat of a relief to be footloose and fancy-free!  I even made a little poem about it! S…

  • Clever


    You don’t make it to Employee of the Month without making a few die-hard fans. After a little over a year at work, I have gained some fans.  Regular customers who stop in, chat a bit, and whom I’ve gotten to know.  There’s my High School Pep Squad, who pop in after school for a…

  • Blogtember #10: Working Girl

    Blogtember #10: Working Girl

    Source To the working woman of New York Enduring the sweltering heat in your chrysalis of linen sheath dress Carrying your pumps to work, fluffing open the New York Times, steady hand applying mascara on the unsteadiest of vehicles!  Full of that potential one can only have before the 9-5 Grind. Repeated gestures betray habits…

  • Blogtember #8:  Be True to You, Whoever You Are

    Blogtember #8: Be True to You, Whoever You Are

    When I started blogging, it was in the hopes of making more friends like myself. Through blogging, Twitter, and online publications, I became fascinated with all these awesome women and their lives – such as Nat the Fat Rat, Rachele the Nearsighted Owl, and Emily McCombs of xoJane. Each of these women, and so many…

  • Blogtember #6: I Don’t Care

    Blogtember #6: I Don’t Care

    From the moment she saw me like this, her face crumpled into a grimace of disgust.  Whispering tersely into her companion’s ear while glaring at me, they inched through the crowded train to be further away from me.  She had seen the bandage covering the second half of my fresh tattoo, and she wanted nothing…

  • Blogtember #3: Like My Father Always Says…

    Blogtember #3: Like My Father Always Says…

    There is, at my parents’ house, a trivet sitting on the stove, belonging to my father and bearing this Elbert Hubbard quote: Source:  mywordstuffs.blogspot.com As a kid, I thought it was funny.   Redundant. “Well, of course you don’t make it out alive… That’s the point!” As an adult, the saying has become a frightening warning.…

  • Slangin’ Tough

    While I’m on vacation, I have prepared a series of vlogs (slang for “video blogs”) FYE – For Your Entertainment.  Today’s topic:  SLANG! Here are five slang words or expressions I use to season my everyday conversation.  They are delicious.  Feel free to use them.          Credit the source. First up:  PTFO PTFO = Pass The…

  • …Love and Tenderness

    I am very impatient by nature.  I like to solve problems.  It’s what I do!  Having participated in Odyssey of the Mind (“a creative problem-solving competition”) for seven years, I always believe that there is an elegant and swift solution to any problem.  And that I can find it.  And solve it. What frustrates me…

  • My Happy Place

    My Happy Place

    What does it even mean, “happy place”? People will tell you when you’re upset, angry, or stressed, to “go to your happy place.” Today, I realized that my “happy place” has been right in front of me all along. Broadway from 72nd to 116th Streets. It’s about an hour-long walk, and who are you to…

  • Currently…in April 2013

    Currently…in April 2013

    Feeling:  Congested!  I’m getting over the flu!  I worked long hours during the worst of it.  Today is my day of rest and recovery.  I’m looking forward to doing a lot of nothing, sitting in a hot bath until the water turns cold around me, dragging out my orange fleece blanket, and watching trash TV…

  • For the Love of Walking

    For the Love of Walking

    Ask me what I do and I will tell you I am a tour guide, and I love working at a candy store, and I keep up a blog. Ask me about my hobbies and I’ll tell you:  I walk. Walking is not just a means of getting somewhere to me.  It’s constant action.  Meditation. …

  • Unofficial New Year’s Resolutions

    Unofficial New Year’s Resolutions

    Late to the party?    I don’t like making New Year’s Resolutions because they’re so hard to keep!  And I especially don’t like telling people about them because then I’m held accountable.  Still, I have had a few New Year’s Resolutions in the back of my mind for the past month and thought to share them. …

  • 30DHN:  Three Blogs I Always Read

    30DHN: Three Blogs I Always Read

    Nat the Fat Rat:  for escapism Life of Bon:  for laughs The Nearsighted Owl:  for inspiration I’ve said enough.  Let these ladies do the talking.

  • The Write Stuff

    The Write Stuff

    A lot of blogs I know have been linking up with Joelle at Something Charming for this cool handwriting post.  I love it because I think handwriting is very intimate.  Someone’s handwriting can tell volumes about them, you know?  My dad is vivacious and lives life to the fullest.  He writes in all capital letters:…

  • 30DHN:  Three Inspirational Quotes

    30DHN: Three Inspirational Quotes

    My roommate and I have several inspirational quotes we live by: Don’t stand on the folding chairs. No boy (except David Bowie) is worth crying over. Don’t date the vegans, because they will always judge you. But these are good, too: Source: pardonmyaccent.tumblr.com via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Source: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Source: goodnewsmichigan.net…

  • 30DHN:  My Hometown

    30DHN: My Hometown

    There’s the town I was born in.  The town I grew up in.  But my home in my heart will always be New York City. Growing up, I had a map of the subway system on my wall to remind me of my dream.  Then, when I was 24, I moved to Queens (Forest Hills…

  • New York is Like a Box of Chocolates

    New York is Like a Box of Chocolates

    New York City is like a patchwork quilt: there’s a little bit of everything mixed in EVERYWHERE. Little, ancient castles squished between modern, glass office buildings. Humble drugstores crouching in the shadow of centuries-old churches. Bicycle rickshaws darting between slick black town cars. Pedestrians in 5-inch heels pushing strollers through the crosswalks. Women in pearls…

  • Joie de Vivre!

    This month’s mantra is: Joie de Vivre (French) noun enthusiasm, zest, gusto, ebullience, joy, relish, enjoyment, gaiety, joyfulness, depression, apathy, distasteFrom TheFreeDictionary.com It’s free.  It’s FREE!  Whether times are tough, or not, if you can enjoy yourself, you’ll get by.I’m trying to remember that, and to always look on the bright side, and then make…

  • Why I Am The Coolest Person Evar

    Why I Am The Coolest Person Evar

    It’s a big, big world, and sometimes, it’s easy to feel rather small in it.  When you consider all the people out there who are wealthier, prettier, happier…and then there’s about 14 Kardashians who are all of the above and for no discernible reason. That is why it one must – MUST! – remind themselves…

  • Beauty


    Beauty is difference. Without difference, there is no beauty, only “averageness.” – me