For the Love of Walking

Ask me what I do and I will tell you I am a tour guide, and I love working at a candy store, and I keep up a blog.

Ask me about my hobbies and I’ll tell you:  I walk.

Walking is not just a means of getting somewhere to me.  It’s constant action.  Meditation.  And discovery.  The more I walk, the further I want to go.  Until it gets too late or my legs get too tired or the rain can no longer be ignored.  I will walk. 

I’m always happy for company but my favourite walks are when I walk alone.  With no music, no accompaniment. 

Just me and my fondest love, the city. 

I listen close and I can hear her pulse, the thrum of her heart.  The buzz of the neon above, the hum of the subway below.  I can see for miles until the stoplights and streetlights blur into earthbound constellations.  In a moist haze, everything glistens. 

Photos could never do justice to the beauty I’ve seen while walking.  They can only attempt to serve as reminders of days and evenings spent in quiet communion with my thoughts and my home, taking part in my favourite hobby.


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