Tag: tattoos

  • Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Got My Forearm Tattoo

    Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Got My Forearm Tattoo

      In case you don’t follow me on Instagram (but seriously, why don’t you follow me on Instagram?). Two weeks ago, I got my forearm tattooed.   *wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!*   Two days before the Chrysanthemum Moon in September, I got a huge chrysanthemum surrounded by sweet forget-me-nots down my left forearm. It was a long appointment, and I…

  • Good News: Some Things Shouldn’t Make Me Laugh (But They Do)

    Good News: Some Things Shouldn’t Make Me Laugh (But They Do)

    First of all, please go to this website and watch the video of the doggo who learned how to eat whipped cream straight from the canister. GO! And now for the obvious joke: “What breed of dog is this? Is she a “WHIP-IT?” Omg sometimes my brilliance hurts, it really hurts.   You’re in for a…

  • When I’m Scared, I Tell Myself…

    When I’m Scared, I Tell Myself…

    Moments of bravery:  we all have them.  Do you, like me, use your personal moments of bravery in times of struggle?  In a previous post, I mentioned how much I challenged myself in 2015 and the confidence those moments of challenge gave me when faced with mundane, everyday moments of doubt.  Y’know – job interviews,…

  • How I Want To Spend My Summer Vacation

    How I Want To Spend My Summer Vacation

    What a ride the past nine months have been!  It felt so much longer.  I got incredibly drunk (one – ONE frozen mojito!) after school with my coworkers on Tuesday to put the year behind me and look forward to this summer.  Of course, I’m looking for a new job – but I’m also going…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Fandom Guilty Pleasures

    5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Guilty Pleasures

    Normally I would say “Nothing you enjoy should make you feel guilty!” but there are those things you cringe to admit like… 1.  I adore the Twilight series  and I’m glad to see it popping up on other people’s lists too!  I feel so bad because the books are a massive commercial success turned cultural…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Nerdiest Things I’ve Ever Done

    5 Fandom Friday: Nerdiest Things I’ve Ever Done

    Time to spill the beans:  the nerdiest things you’ve ever done!  I pretty much think everything I do is pretty nerdy, and I’m pretty sure I’d get a lot of backup on that one as well.  1.  Work for a walking tour company  unlike some items on this list, I’m really proud of this!  I…

  • Just the Facts

    Just the Facts

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these memes and I picked this one up from an old classmate of mine from back before the turn of the century… Crazy Tragic Sometimes Magic Michael went to high school with me!  Isn’t it strange how paths cross again later in life thanks to the…

  • New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    New Year's Meme by Sunday Stealing!

    The New Year’s Eve Meme from Sunday Stealing! In 2014, I gained:  a new job, a new friend, and a hot boyfriend. Hi! I lost:  my first pet, Charlie. I stopped:  working in retail – “and that has made all the difference.”  I never realized how shitty I was being treated on a daily basis…

  • Snowbound Saturday

    Snowbound Saturday

    Hiya!  It’s snowy and awful here in New York City, and my mom is coming in to visit for the day!  I’m leaving the house, whether I like it or not, and going to try to have fun.  In the meantime, here’s a bunch of bits from the internet that I’ve been enjoying while stuck…

  • 1 Year Old!

    1 Year Old!

    I completely forgot! November 17th was my one-year anniversary of my two left-hand tattoos (in my head I called them “the twins” because they happened in the same sitting) Happy Birthday, babies!!!

  • There’s Got to Be a Morning After(care)

    There’s Got to Be a Morning After(care)

    This is a post about my tattoo healing process.  Some people may be grossed out or even offended by the descriptions.  Also, my experience may be different from your experience, and each tattoo heals differently under different circumstances.  This is a (hopefully) humourous look at my own circumstances. “It rubs the lotion on its skin”…

  • Ma Vie En Rose

    Ma Vie En Rose

    Last week’s cold, rainy Friday, I went off to finally get my rose tattoo done.  After years of turning it over in my head, fantasizing, and saving up money, months of appointments and consultations, and days of preparation for the pain, I finally went through with it and felt…amazing. During the appointment, the pain was…