Snowbound Saturday

Hiya!  It’s snowy and awful here in New York City, and my mom is coming in to visit for the day!  I’m leaving the house, whether I like it or not, and going to try to have fun.  In the meantime, here’s a bunch of bits from the internet that I’ve been enjoying while stuck in the snow:

I Cannot Freaking Stand New Year’s Resolutions, And Here’s Why, a piece by Zoe at xoJane that raises some good points.  Did you make resolutions?  Did you keep the ones you made last year?  Yeah.  me neither.

Fake Nerd Guys, a tumblr that flips the “Fake Nerd Girls” meme on its head with shots of barely-clothed guys referencing nerdy things.  I can’t figure out which is better:  the subversion of misogyny or the barely-clothed guys referencing nerdy things.  Yay for tumblr!

20 Difficult Truths About Love & Relationships From A Life Coach, by Stephanie St. Claire.  You must read this piece.  Numbers one and four rang especially poignant to me.

On a lighter note, The Hawkeye Initiative takes the poses that female comic book characters are drawn in and substitutes…Hawkeye.  Sometimes it’s hilarious, sometimes it’s very uncomfortable.

Lastly, I found this gorgeous picture on the internet!  What a hoot!


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