Year: 2014

  • #tbt My Blog Turns 5!

    #tbt My Blog Turns 5!

    So apparently, I started this little blog FIVE YEARS ago!  Woohoo!  Originally, my posts were short (like tweets) but now they’re…um…less so?  And it may interest you to know that when I first started this blog, I loved to rhyme.  So for my blog’s fifth birthday, I would like to regale you with three of…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Pure Organic Bars

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Pure Organic Bars

    Pure Organic Cherry Cashew & Chocolate Brownie Bars Tastes Like:  Rich, sticky, gooey delicious dessert that’s actually good for you!  The cherry cashew flavour tastes like gnawable, portable pie filling. and the brownie – do I even need to say it?  Okay, imagine Little Debbie walnut brownies, but denser and richer.  Now make them a…

  • The Time I Wore A Snake

    The Time I Wore A Snake

    Like, I’m always bragging about how New York City is magical and any given night can turn into an amazing adventure and blah blah blah and I think sometimes people roll their eyes and assume that “New York City is a constant adventure!” is just something we tell ourselves to justify paying more on rent…

  • #tbt On The Boards

    #tbt  On The Boards

    I used to act, believe it or not.  This photo from my college days, back when I used to love acting and boy, do I look like I’m loving it in this picture!  How hot is that orange and yellow dress?  And the white feather twixt mine cleavage?  Hawtness.

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Apple-Banana & Apple-Mango Bars

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Apple-Banana & Apple-Mango Bars

    Trader Joe’s Apple-Banana & Apple-Mango Bars Tastes Like:  well, first, we’d be remiss if we didn’t say what these things look like:  slabs of semi-digested food.  Or bird-feeder fodder.  Or some kind of fruit jerky?  But if you close your eyes, and try not to think about it, they’re delicious!  The Apple-Mango tastes like a…

  • Job: A Comedy of Justice

    Job: A Comedy of Justice

    My first Heinlein novel may still be my favourite.  It’s called Job:  A Comedy of Justice but it could just as easily be called Alec and Margrethe:  A Romance of Love because this book is dripping – dripping – in adorable little scenes like THIS: AWWWWWWW! (it earns bonus points for awesome because that penultimate…

  • Currently…in August 2014

    Currently…in August 2014

    FEELING:  Stoked, excited, and sooooo happy!  My big vacation was a lot of fun, I’m glad to have gotten away, but I’m also so happy to get back!  My life lately is so surreal and wonderful. WATCHING: I’m falling behind on Sailor Moon because I’m just a bit too busy for TV these days! LISTENING…

  • 30


    I’ve spent the better part of the past year – maybe even longer – fretting about my impending 30th birthday. it seems like such a monumental number.  like New Year’s Eve, or Daylight Savings.  when the clock flips over on midnight, I will be thirty. everything different.  a whole new decade.  I will be changed.…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Organic Tomato & Roasted Red Pepper Soup

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Organic Tomato & Roasted Red Pepper Soup

    Trader Joe’s Organic Tomato & Roasted Red Pepper Soup Tastes Like:  Spaghetti-O’s without the noodles.  Boom.  Light and sweet, tangy tomatoey flavor. Great With:  Rice cakes on the side, or dipped in.  Small broccoli florets tossed on top.  And maybe just the TINIEST garnish of cheese. Perfect For:  Quick and filling (yes!) snack on a…

  • Stranger in a Strange Land

    Stranger in a Strange Land

    Once you grok this book, you won’t be able to put it down. Stranger in a Strange Land, my most recent Heinlein conquest, tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, “Mike” to his friends, a human being born on Mars.  Raised by Martians, Mike returns to Earth to grok our strange Earthling ways and teach…

  • #tbt Grandma’s Birthday

    #tbt  Grandma’s Birthday

    My Grandma is an awesomely funny lady. She just turned 89 two days ago.  This photo is from her 80th birthday party a.k.a. the last time I wore a blouse to please my mother.  I’m sure I was sweltering in the late July heat, here.  Ugh!  Look at those neutrals!  What was I thinking?!?  Just…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Dilettante Fruit Medley

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday:  Dilettante Fruit Medley

    Dilettante Fruit Medley Tastes Like:  Moist fruit chunks ensconced in a thick layer of chocolate with a sweet layer of white chocolate on the outside.  Dense and chewy and lush and tangy.  Great With:  Coffee in the morning, tea at night, more and more of these.  Chocolate addicts, pay heed!  Trail mix lovers, delight!  These…

  • Loss

    Today would have marked the 31st Birthday of my good friend, Aaron, who passed away three years ago this past winter.  The occasion never passes without its share of memories and the feeling of unfairness it brings.  Every year it gets easier to believe the unbelievable, that my friend is really gone.  But that doesn’t…

  • V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N


    Ladies and gentlemen, my esteemed readership:  as you read this I am waking up in my childhood home, probably hours before anyone else, debating whether it’s worth waking the dog to trek downstairs to frustrate myself attempting to operate the coffee maker.  In the meantime, please help yourself to some posts from last year’s vacation…

  • #tbt WAL-MART

    #tbt  WAL-MART

    This photo isn’t dated, but to the best of my knowledge, it was taken sometime in the spring of 2006-7.  I have no recollection of the time or who I was with but I remember spending glorious hours hanging out with my friends in the local WAL*MART.  It was a playground for people with no…

  • Trader Joe's Tuesday: Nonfat Greek Yogurt

    Trader Joe's Tuesday: Nonfat Greek Yogurt

    Trader Joe’s Nonfat Greek Yogurt Tastes Like:  Fage – tastes just like Fage but at a fraction of the price.  Thick, rich, ever-so-slightly bitter in that perfect Greek yogurt way.  Great With:  A dash of raisins stirred in.  Or some wacky flavoured jam!  Or scooped out like dip for navel orange wedges or Granny Smith…

  • The Colossus of New York

    The Colossus of New York

    Once you read Colson Whitehead’s Colossus of New York, you’ll never look at the city again.  His keen observations in short snippets are the perfect bon mot to pepper your conversations with annoy your friends with.  “Colson Whitehead says “…you are a New Yorker the minute you say, ‘That used to be Munsey’s, or That…

  • One Hundred Demons

    One Hundred Demons

    Fear not!  One Hundred Demons by Lynda Barry is not entirely scary!  It is sweet, insightful, revealing…and because of that, it is completely terrifying. Lynda Barry’s demons take the form of all of our fears and hopes gone awry.  I don’t want to spoil a single moment of this beautiful memoir-esque collection of tales, but…

  • #tbt Flattering

    #tbt  Flattering

    I always thought neon pink was a flattering colour on me.  Soft lighting, my best friend.  And as far as flattering angles go, those of us with big noses know to look no further than the overhead angle.  Boom.

  • Trader Joe's Tuesday: Eggplant Garlic Spread

    Trader Joe's Tuesday: Eggplant Garlic Spread

    Trader Joe’s Eggplant Garlic Spread Tastes Like:  Kind of like moist, savory baba ganoush… Great With:  Spread, as they suggest, on rice crackers or corn cakes.  A dip for carrots (my favourite)! Perfect For:  This would be a great spread for sandwiches.  I used it in a pasta dish with spiralized zucchini and heirloom tomatoes…