#tbt Grandma’s Birthday

My Grandma is an awesomely funny lady.

She just turned 89 two days ago.  This photo is from her 80th birthday party a.k.a. the last time I wore a blouse to please my mother.  I’m sure I was sweltering in the late July heat, here.  Ugh!  Look at those neutrals!  What was I thinking?!?  Just looking at the way my hair and outfit are styled (conservatively?) you can tell how much I love my Grandma.

Here’s the funny thing about this picture:  I had gotten myself all dolled up and respectable for Grandma.  Just when my mom was about to press the shutter on this photograph of cross-generational commemoration, my awesome Grandma (on the right) whispered in my ear, “smile and think about sex.”  WHAT!  Completely blowing my cover.  If the photo had lagged a second later, I’m sure my well-poised smile would be something entirely different:  a mixture of shock, surprise…befuddlement?

Happy Birthday, Grandma.  The jig is up.  Fat chance of getting me into another stuffy blouse for your 90th.


2 responses to “#tbt Grandma’s Birthday”

  1. I didn't even recognize you! 🙂

  2. Thanks! I consider that a compliment!!! 😀

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