Year: 2013

  • The Chocolate Easter Bunny Story

    In lieu of sharing Christmas with my family (thanks, retail job), I shared my family’s Christmas traditions with all of you – here and here and here and here and here and here. Guess what?!  No family Easter for me either.  So here’s my family’s favourite Easter story. This is a story of cause and…

  • Always Take A Pedicab

    I always walk through Central Park on my way to work.  Four or five days a week, at varying times, since last May.  Often enough that the pedicab drivers, who yell out and solicit every passing pedestrian, don’t really pester me anymore. Until last Monday, that is.  Two ciggie-smoking Irish pedicab drivers caught me coming…

  • The Walking Dead Google Reader

    The Walking Dead Google Reader

    I’m the latest princess to the party, but I just started watching The Walking Dead and I’m afraid it may replace sleep.  Who needs sleep?  ZOMBIES!  And also, who can sleep?  ZOMBIES! Speaking of things that are dead-but-not-entirely-dead, Google Reader!  I’m also the last person to mourn that Google Reader is gone.  And at first…

  • A Peek At… Mura

    A Peek At… Mura

    Controversial statement in 3… 2… 1… Mura makes Brooklyn worthwhile.  Sushi is a funny animal.  Sushi lovers know that if you have some “off” sushi, it will put you off sushi for a long time.  After you’re ready to come out of sushi hiding, go to Mura.  There has never been an occassion where the…

  • A Star Is Born – or The Thing I’ll Keep Forever

    A Star Is Born – or The Thing I’ll Keep Forever

    One of the topics that came up in therapy for me was my fear of making decisions.  It’s easier to back down to a safe place and go with the flow than it is to strike out and take a chance, if that chance holds unknown circumstances.  The story of my little star is that…

  • Don’t Blame Me, I Was A Creative Kid

    Today’s Scintilla Prompt has to do with a time you embarrassed your parents in public. So I’m just going to tell you about the time my mother picked me up from the school bus in kindergarten, attempting to wear my backpack on my legs. While wearing a skirt. There’s the story.  There’s the visual.  And…

  • How To Cook:  And Instructional Haiku

    How To Cook: And Instructional Haiku

    Chuck it in a pan Set burner to “high” setting Wait for smell of smoke. When smoke arises,  Flip and reveal your burnt food Angrily sizzling When smoke alarm bleeps, Rescue food from kitchen fire. Buon appetito! Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

  • Spring Things!

    Spring Things!

    1. What is your favorite thing about spring? Warm weather means more adventures!  I can’t wait to revisit some of my old favourites like Park Slope and the Upper West Side, and try new places too! 2. What is your favorite kind of flower to grow or receive? I don’t think I’ll ever get tired…

  • Beyond Belief

    Beyond Belief

    Today’s Scintilla Project prompt (I can’t believe it’s almost over waaaah!) is to write about something incredible and unbelievable.  Sorry to say, I always do and always have.  If you want, you can re-read about: …the time I pulled at the laundromat :                     “Thirty minutes later, the laundry owner approached me with the…

  • Pedophobe


    The way I understand it, babies are sacks of goo that can erupt at any moment. That’s why we swaddle them in diapers, plug them with pacifiers and suction their noses with tiny little turkey baster things. No offense intended, I’m sure your sack of goo is just delightful. He/she may very well have a…

  • Know It By Heart Beneath A Stone

    Source: Uploaded by user via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest When I was fourteen, I truly believed that : “The reduction of the universe to a single being, the expansion of a single being into God, this is love. Love is the salutation of the angel to the stars. How sad the soul when it is sad…

  • Never Turn Your Back, Not For A Second

    I have referred to this incident in the past, now I will share in detail what caused me to learn the harsh life lesson “never fall asleep with your back to a stranger.” Back over Thanksgiving, I had set my mind that I was going to spend the holiday visiting my family, regardless of the…

  • Dream A Little Dream

    I was 23.  I was in love.  And I was on top of the world.  Figuratively and, it seemed, literally as well.  I would drive to the top of the highest hill in my neighborhood and look down at the sleepy town below, pulling over to the curb and putting the car into park.  Looking…

  • How To Meet Cute Boys On The Subway

    How To Meet Cute Boys On The Subway

    Step One:  Follow him onto the train like the scent of a pie cooling on a windowsill.  Situate yourself where you have a perfect view. Step Two:  Stare.  Drool. Step Three:  Silently will them to look up at you.  Bore your eyes into the side of their head until your gaze becomes palpable to him…

  • All My Chobits

    Thanks to the Crazy, Tragic, Sometimes Magic Michael, I have learned about the Scintilla Project, with writing prompts.  I LOVE BEING PROMPTED.  Really, you only have to prompt me to do something and I’ll usually do it. Which brings me to today’s prompt – a time when you were drunk before you were allowed to…

  • Currently…in March 2013

    Thinking about: feeling guilty for taking a vacation from blogging every day, like I have been so good about, but between troublesome internet and troublesome personal life (and nine-hour work days), I felt creatively sapped.  Sorry!  I swear!  I felt I couldn’t touch fingers to keys without spilling out horrible sadness, and I need at…

  • Don’t Try to Copy My Swagga

    Don’t Try to Copy My Swagga

    Dear Sir, I appreciate your look.  Belted cinched fur coat, dirty Chuck Taylors, slouchy disaffected glare. I liked it even better when I WORE IT FIRST. Thanks ever so. Love, The Original Fierce Gangsta

  • Personal


    Source: via Meghan-Sara on Pinterest Recent and ongoing events in my life have given me cause to reconsider keeping this blog.  I felt as though, in certain situations, my privacy was being invaded, and part of that was due (in small part) to this blog.  My mother advised me to quit, or take a…

  • Everybody’s Talkin’ Bout How To Survive A Bus Trip

    Everybody’s Talkin’ Bout How To Survive A Bus Trip

    Okay, so maybe bus travel isn’t as dramatic as back when Joe Buck rode all the way to New York City to find his dreams.  But in the years since I’ve been traveling back and forth to and from NYC, I’ve been stuck in hours of traffic, rode through countless storms, and even been slightly…

  • Think Pink

    Think Pink

    I have already come out of the My Little Pony closet, but today I reach a little further in to bring out something a bit embarassing – the love I have for Pinkie Pie. Look at them crazy eyes.  That there’s True Love. If you’re familiar with the show, you’ll understand when I say that…