
Recent and ongoing events in my life have given me cause to reconsider keeping this blog.  I felt as though, in certain situations, my privacy was being invaded, and part of that was due (in small part) to this blog.  My mother advised me to quit, or take a step back from blogging.  But I haven’t, and I won’t. 

Because I am entitled to share my life and my opinions without being stalked.

I am allowed to be friendly without owing you my time or conversation.

I can treat others nicely without allowing them to treat me like a doormat.

I can use social media, and it shall not be construed as an invitation for others to insinuate themselves into my life if they are unwelcome.

If a predator uses the information I put out there to make me feel uncomfortable, it is not my fault for existing.  It is not my fault for wanting to be “public”.  It is the predator’s fault for using the information I put on the internet to make me feel uncomfortable.


3 responses to “Personal”

  1. That's not cool at all. Do not let yourself be bullied into being quiet or to not do things the way you want.

  2. I adore you blog and I am saddened to hear that you are taking negativity away from it rather than positivity. I hope you get things sorted out and no harm comes to you though. Please continue to be yourself and speak your mind. You're a little extra brightness to my day. (Ok, that sounds cheesy, but it's true!)

  3. Never quit….just keep yourself safe. Be strong.

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