Tag: poetry

  • Happy 200th Birthday, Walt Whitman

    Happy 200th Birthday, Walt Whitman

      I’ll be honest with you: The first time I picked up Leaves of Grass (in college), it bored me to tears.   Maybe it’s a thing you have to grow into? I for sure skimmed the book to pass the class, but didn’t understand why so many people considered it a classic. It was definitely the…

  • School Shooting Curriculum

    School Shooting Curriculum

    Since school shootings are just commonplace now, with no end in sight, and “safety drills” aren’t effectively saving any lives, we must now resign ourselves to the fact that sending a child into the classroom to learn is in reality, sending them up before a firing squad.  School used to prepare kids for the future: …

  • Merry Dinosaurmas

    Merry Dinosaurmas

    ‘Twas the night before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event And all through the Mesozoic Era,Not a creature was stirring,Not even a pterosaur, plesiosaur, or ammonite. When all of a suddenThere arose such a clatterT-Rex reared to the skyTo see what was the matter From up in the airRained comets belowspelling extinction for 75% of Earth’s reigning…

  • #tbt My Blog Turns 5!

    #tbt My Blog Turns 5!

    So apparently, I started this little blog FIVE YEARS ago!  Woohoo!  Originally, my posts were short (like tweets) but now they’re…um…less so?  And it may interest you to know that when I first started this blog, I loved to rhyme.  So for my blog’s fifth birthday, I would like to regale you with three of…

  • The Colossus of New York

    The Colossus of New York

    Once you read Colson Whitehead’s Colossus of New York, you’ll never look at the city again.  His keen observations in short snippets are the perfect bon mot to pepper your conversations with annoy your friends with.  “Colson Whitehead says “…you are a New Yorker the minute you say, ‘That used to be Munsey’s, or That…

  • Blogtember #16: Review — Living Single

    Blogtember #16: Review — Living Single

    All the Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up.Let’s be honest.  Having a relationship is great, but being single is tha bomb.  Whether you’re a veteran at being unattached or freshly dumped, you have to agree that it’s somewhat of a relief to be footloose and fancy-free!  I even made a little poem about it! S…

  • Requiem Maria

    Requiem Maria

    One of my favourite things to do on my long walks up Broadway is to spy on people eating in restaurants.  I adore Broadway from 72nd to 116th Streets, it’s like a whole world unto itself, and the variety of eateries therein is vast and fascinating.  There are solemn, polite patrons of Sushi establishments.  There…

  • How To Cook:  And Instructional Haiku

    How To Cook: And Instructional Haiku

    Chuck it in a pan Set burner to “high” setting Wait for smell of smoke. When smoke arises,  Flip and reveal your burnt food Angrily sizzling When smoke alarm bleeps, Rescue food from kitchen fire. Buon appetito! Source: curbly.com via Brandi on Pinterest

  • For the Love of Walking

    For the Love of Walking

    Ask me what I do and I will tell you I am a tour guide, and I love working at a candy store, and I keep up a blog. Ask me about my hobbies and I’ll tell you:  I walk. Walking is not just a means of getting somewhere to me.  It’s constant action.  Meditation. …

  • Duck…Duck…Sauce


    I see a lot of bizarre things on the subway.  I mean, you know that.  Exotic dancing toddlers.  Pop and lock squads.  Michael Jackson impersonators.  People eating soup.  That one almost takes the cake.  Speaking of food, what’s that on the floor? Why, it appears to be a lone packet of Duck Sauce? Oh, why,…

  • My Town is Better Than Your Town

    My Town is Better Than Your Town

    …because our street signs are in haiku. Happy National Poetry Month!

  • Beat Poetry, OR the Ravings of an Unstable Lunatic?

    Beat Poetry, OR the Ravings of an Unstable Lunatic?

    Endless coverup of the Ponzi scheme Look at this white trash prostitute putting on airs. Welcome to the Ponzi scheme Carrot cake Carrot cake for your girlfriend Gail And Susan and Ellen and the whole coven of white trash prostitutes. Ponzi scheme Source If you guessed “Ravings”, you’d be 100% correct!!!

  • A Dream Realized

    A Dream Realized

    “What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?” – Langston Hughes, A Dream Deferred “…or does it puff up, like a cheese wonton?” – me. I’ve always had dreams of running away to a big city.  When I got older, I fell in love with New York…