New Yorkers are known for being three things:

  • rich
  • sexy
  • cynical

Okay, so two out of three ain’t bad (and FYI, I’m broke as hell).  So when this huuuuuuge snowstorm was predicted, I figured it was all hype.  I didn’t think it would really happen, and as such, I didn’t bother to prepare for it.

Well, I didn’t prepare much:

We would be okay for 12 beers, or eight rolls of extra-soft, whichever came first.  I still didn’t think anything would actually happen, though, because when I went to bed on Friday night, we had dry pavement.  Dry pavement!  And then we woke up on Saturday to this:

Snow clinging to the screen of the windows, blocking all the light.  My succulents and I were all very confused and alarmed. 

By early afternoon, people (not me) started to panic.  Trains were shut down.  Traffic ordered off the roads.  Even CitiBike ceased service!  Why doncha just TAKE AWAY OUR BAGELS, Jonas!!!  With an eye on our cupboard, still poorly stocked from our vacation, we decided to bundle way up and walk to the grocery store.

I’m making that face because the snow is blinding me.  I can’t see, my boots are slippery, and I hurt my arm falling.  I didn’t actually FALL, mind you, I just slipped and flailed my arms until I pulled a muscle in my shoulder.  Bet I looked HILARIOUS!  YES!  When danger is imminent, my slapstick comedy instincts kick in!  Of course.

We got to the grocery store to find it CLOSED.  Bae tried to help push a guy’s car which was stuck in the parking lot…for all we know, he’s still trying to dig it out!

Luckily, the cute little juice place on the opposite corner was open and fully stocked of beer, chips, and Talenti gelato.  Luckily, the wine store also appears to be open, so if we decide we want Brie and Riesling later, we’ll be fine.

Yes, I am buried up to my knees.

See, here’s the thing you don’t know.  Everyone knows New Yorkers are sexy cynics.  But what you don’t know is we totally win at bad weather!!!  New York City having a snow-day is like a snow day at college – everything you want is there, and it’s an excuse to PARTAY.  You see pictures of snow-covered streets on the news, taxis swallowed up in huge drifts, people cross-country skiing to the bodega.  But dude, you forget that we also walk everywhere all the time.  Telling us not to drive is like telling us not to ride our purple rhinoceros to the Thai place for Massaman Curry (oh yeah, they’re still open)!  I know guys, please don’t throw your Sorel boots at my head, but we’re having a total blast over here with snowball fights in the streets below us, warm and toasty with our snacky bounty above. 

Reporting live from Storm Central – hell, what am I saying?  Live from PARTY Central, over and out!  Don’t believe me?  This video is pretty typical of what goes on in the New York City I know.  Hilarious!  Give it a watch:



  1. I am so over winter. I just want all this snow to go away!

    1. I'm okay with this one snow – it's already melting in the sunshine! This can be the first AND LAST snow this year and I'll be totally fine with that!

  2. Hell yes! Snow days mean party time, with the drink of your choice (personally, I picked bourbon and wine)! And I don't own a car, which meant no digging it out! Sometimes less really is more. Looks like you had an awesome snowy weekend!

    1. Wine +snow sounds fabulous!!! Luckily the wine store across the street from us was open the whole storm long, we were ready to deploy that plan as backup when the other beverages ran out! Thanks for vicariously enjoying my snow day!

  3. New Yorkers handle snow like Canadians. Nuff said. Now I'm sending this post round to every single Scottish person next time it snows here and telling them to suck it up.

    Than I will probably pelt them in the face with a snowball, because I'm a dick.

    1. New York is a melting pot, so you have a variety of different reactions to the first flake: some people panic, and the New Englanders laugh. Seriously. NEW ENGLANDERS. Snow is coming down in basketball-sized hail and they're like "wanna go drive down to the movies?" CRAYZAYYYYY. I have mad respect for them. I theorize any New Englander would make a great stunt driver just because they HAVE to be.

  4. Stay safe and warm, y'all! Winter has been a bust up here in the great frozen north so all these snow day images are making me super jealous. #thanksObama

    1. Yeah, it's so weird! I spoke to my grandma in Buffalo the day after the storm and she says they haven't had any snow this year at all? Places that usually see a lot of snow are getting nothing, and places that never or rarely get snow were dumped on (like FLORIDA)! It's so weird! We're masters of snow shovelling (and I live on a busy commerce road) so we're already dug out. Never underestimate New York!

  5. Serious Mo Snow FOMO in Bingo.
    But we will get ours.

    1. Bingo ALWAYS gets their snow! Usually for Easter. Don't give up hope!!!

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