Diamond Candle Giveaway!

Next month will be my five-year anniversary of living in the Big Apple!  Expect to see some changes around here, starting with MY FIRST GIVEAWAY and guys, it’s a doozy.  A Helluva Whizzbangin’ Doozy.

FACT:  I love candles.  Reading, knitting, blogging by candlelight….or even those long, hot baths.  Dude.  Perfection.

OTHER FACT:  I love rings.  There is a not-insignificant-sized jar on my dresser containing all of my bejeweled, flower-shaped, frog (yes) rings and some days this girl just likes to put Liberace to shame, y’know?

FACT #3:  When Diamond Candles contacted me to do a giveaway, I nearly peed myself and told my entire extended family (“What’s a ‘blog’?”) about it.

This company, and this product, is class from start to finish.  For starters, the candle shipped and arrived in less than a week.  (Take that, UPS!)  Every element of the packaging was recyclable!  So I was immediately stoked.

Diamond Candles are made of soy, which I also enjoy…mostly eating…but boy does soy make for a good candle.  The scent was much more powerful than any other jar candle I’ve ever had!  My whole (albeit small) New York City apartment smelled amazing in minutes.  Which scent did I choose?  Why, “Apple”, of course.

BUT WAIT.  THERE’S MORE.  Not only is this a lush and full-bodied scented candle experience, THERE’S A RING INSIDE.  After burning for a few hours, you reach the secret compartment where the ring is buried. 

It’s like the prize in the cereal box!  Only instead of cereal, it’s a box of candy.  Because everything about this whole experience is an epic win. 

Rings inside range in value from $10 – $5,000, so it’s like playing the lottery.  Can you get over this concept?  Awesome smelling candle – check.  That’s good enough on it’s own.  PLUS, free ring – check.  That’s a bonus.  The icing on the cake is that you could be winning a SERIOUSLY AMAZING PRIZE. 

My ring is a real sparkler.  My fingers are insanely tiny, so while I’m
sure this ring would comfortably fit a normal person, it currently sits
on my right thumb – which is fine, because it gives me something pretty
to look at while I’m texting (which is, let’s be honest, most of the

Seriously, the idea of a gift-within-a-gift is so amazing to me, I want to give Diamond Candles to all my friends and family.  Starting with you, my wonderful readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner will be chosen September 15th…so COME ON and enter! 
Tell your friends, tell your neighbors. 

No seriously, tell your
neighbors.  Their apartment stinks.  It could be a win for everyone, ya


6 responses to “Diamond Candle Giveaway!”

  1. I've never heard of this company, but now I'm so tempted to buy a candle! Can't wait to share this with my friends. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I love this company! I've heard their candles smell really wonderful! I've never bought anything from them, but it's a tad bit tempting to do so even though I currently lack the money for them. 😡

  3. I like the ring you got! I've been meaning to buy one of their candles. I have big fingers though so I worry it wouldn't fit. 🙁

  4. I've bought a couple of their candles and their rings never fit! Maybe this time…

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