Missed Opportunity

Things I Should Have Said to the Random Asshole Who Called Me a “Pale Skeleton” and “Anorexic” After Swearing At Another Random Woman, Making Kissy Noises, and Insulting Her Race:

“Mind your own business.”

“Watch it, loudmouth.”

“Who asked you?”

“Learn some respect, asshole.”

“Yeah, go home and have a wank over me.”

“If that’s the way you treat ladies, then I hope your dick grows moldy and falls off before it ever sees the inside of another woman.”

What I Did Say to the Random Asshole Who Called Me a “Pale Skeleton” and “Anorexic” After Swearing At Another Random Woman, Making Kissy Noises, and
Insulting Her Race:



Because I was afraid he would cross the street and attack me physically.


That seems fair.

I know it’s not mature, but this dude made me cry in the Duane Reade basement, so I feel it’s warranted.
What have you/would you have said/done in my shoes?


One response to “Missed Opportunity”

  1. Take care of yrself babe

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