Tag: feels

  • Face Value

    Face Value

    Dermatological treatment may be slowly changing my face, but it’s rapidly changing the way I think about it. It’s been almost six months — wow, time flies! Six months since I brought my shameful face to the dermatologist. In the sixth months I’ve been using prescription topical treatments, my face has gone through SO MANY…

  • Never Read The Comments

    Never Read The Comments

    . Cheese and crackers, guys!  I thought I’d scraped the absolute bottom of the Internet, but it turns out there are even more frozen layers than I realized! Since I started my internship, I’ve been learning so much about online journalism!  Namely, to never, ever, ever read the comments!  Here are some examples of the…

  • Periodical Thoughts

    Periodical Thoughts

    You know what’s awesome?  Having the kind of terrible menstrual cramps that ruin your entire day (and sometimes the next one, too).  The kind where taking Midol is a gamble: sometimes it works, sometimes you might as well swallow some Cadbury Mini Eggs and hope for the best. That was me yesterday.  I had big…

  • 2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    2015 Best Nine Instagrams

    What the hell is this post, a shameless plug for my Instagram?  On the one hand, yes definitely.  On the other hand, I’ve felt an Instagram rant has been long overdue from me and I want to get my feelings out there and see what you think.  But first, the ‘grams: 1.  My top ‘gram…

  • OOPS! Accident Prone!

    OOPS! Accident Prone!

    ” A C C I D E N T   P R O N E “ If four syllables describe me better, I’ve yet to find them.  I’m the queen of accidental self-injury, breaking things, and ruining everything!  I’m Lucille Ball re-incarnate, down to the mournful wail of defeat.  Please refer to fig. A: A Brief…

  • In A Relationship with Beauty: It’s Complicated

    In A Relationship with Beauty: It’s Complicated

    I am, I’m sure, and AWESOME girlfriend.  So when my boyfriend observes: “You have a complicated relationship with beauty,” my first instinct is to say, “All women have a complicated relationship with beauty, it’s because of society,” and while I still believe this is true, I must admit, I Have A Complicated Relationship With Beauty. …

  • Crying in Public

    Crying in Public

    I’ve never been a huge crier, but…lately…I cry all the time.  No, I don’t think I’m depressed.  I think I’m just…in touch with my emotions?  Or possibly ovulating?  That might also be it. I cried in public for hours the day after Halloween.  My boyfriend and I dragged our hung-over selves out of bed to…