Currently… in April 2017


FEELING:  Well, tbh, I have the flu. The head/chest/cough kind! It’s deeply frustrating because I’m super busy with studio work, I’m working on exciting new projects, and the tours have been poppin’ off like wild lately! But you know me: I love having a purpose. Have you heard of ‘The Actor’s Cure’? It’s like, doing the thing you love can let you push your illness to the side and you feel fine until you’re no longer needed and then you relapse. So, that’s been me, lately. I’ll be fine, doing my shit, and then I get home and I melt into a puddle of ooze on the sofa and I can’t move (or swallow). But I’m kind of ok with that.


WATCHING: This is not an April Fool’s prank: the entire series of The Mighty Boosh is on Hulu! Nothing pairs so well with NyQuil than this trippy series, one of my all-time favorites!! Besides that, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube (I should do a post about my favorite YouTubers and why!) and the new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race. I so badly want Eureka to win!!!


LISTENING TO:  Whatever’s playing in the studio when I’m working. Sad!


READING:  I haven’t been reading a lot because all of my spare time is going towards writing, which I’m SO THRILLED about, and you damn well better read my articles when they come out because I’m so beyond excited for the things I’m working on!


WORKING ON:  This category is maddening now! I’m working on tons of things (obviously) but I can’t tell you about any of them! This is the frustration of being in a field where you have to keep secrets. I’ll tell you in very general terms: at the studio, I’m working on costumes and props for Broadway shows. And on my own end, I’m working on articles about some things I’m obsessed with.


THINKING ABOUT:  How to balance busy and not-busy going forward. So you know, my life sort of vacillates between two weeks of the month being busy/working nonstop, and two weeks of the month being completely useless and distraught. It’s not really like that, but it seems like that’s the way it cracks out because when I’m not at the studio, I’m pitching to publications. Good use of time, right? But then those pitches get accepted and I work on them when I’m back working on other things. I moan about this but it’s never anything more than I can manage, and I don’t mind being busy, it’s the horribly slow, lonely, useless stretches that I really hate, and want to fill with work


EATING:  SO! When I’m working, I’ll eat my big meal in the morning, and it’s usually like a can of chili or those Trader Joe’s Indian meals that I reheat on the stove. Then, I’ll have a Larabar at the studio. I used to think Peanut Butter Chocolate was my favorite, but I’ve taken a liking to Cashew Cookie. Then, dinner is the wild card! Last time I was more busy than I could handle, in between work & laundry, my boyfriend suggested we get food delivered from our fave local Taiwanese/Oaxacan fusion restaurant. I got a “taco bowl” and it was the greatest thing I’ve ever had. Am I angling for another taco bowl? Yes, probably. But it was so nice.


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  All of these things I’m working on to go public, so I can talk about them here! Finding out about my Burning Man ticket application and preparing for that – I’m already getting excited and it isn’t til AUGUST! I’ve been having more tours and I can’t wait for warmer weather to be able to enjoy them more.


MAKING ME HAPPY:  I hate to keep banging on about this but these projects I’m working on are so cool. I’m writing a couple of articles on things I’m really excited about (pitched on the premise of “write about what you would want to read about”) and I’m enjoying doing the work SOOOO MUCH. I’ve already turned one in, and I’m deep in research mode on the other. Actually, I’m conducting interviews and I feel like each interview gets easier and easier. I am having a total blast working on this project. And you know how much I love my tours: I’ve been able to do so many of them lately and refining my storytelling is such a joy to me, I feel like I’m my best self when I’m just screaming into the rain about ghosts and death. I love it! And I adore the work I get to do in the studio. I love learning new things and tinkering around. The other day, I got covered in superglue trying to find the right adhesive for something and it took hours to pick the dried glue off my hands but damn, I felt like I accomplished something! Like I’d had a hard-won victory! So there’s a lot going on that makes me happy – to counteract the flu-ey-ness!


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