Currently… in December 2016

currently in december 2016

FEELING:  Knock knock! Who’s there? I’m still depressed. I get one more appointment with my therapist this year (2016) before I have to wait until 2017 for my insurance to authorize more visits. I’ve seen her once since the election and all I could do was cry and panic. My last appointment is midway through the month. Wish me luck.

WATCHING:  Also over Thanksgiving weekend, I started watching the Oliver Stone docuseries that I blogged about, and I was soooo into that! I also told you how much I was enjoying Worst Cooks in America, so I feel like you already know what I’m watching. I’ve also been really into YouTube while I’m soaking in the bath, my fave channel is You Suck At Cooking. If I can be completely real here, this channel taught me, a 32-year-old woman, how to chop an onion properly. Because I’ve never learned.

LISTENING TO:  The one album I listened to on repeat, like, TOO much, was Walls and BridgesYeah, I’m a John Lennon fan. It started because, in a blue funk, I stumbled across “Nobody Loves You When You’re Down And Out,” but then I listened to the whole album and I think “#9 Daydream” might be getting up there on my list of favorite Lennon songs, ranked. Can it knock “Woman” off the number one spot? We shall wait and see! Well, will wait and see. You already stopped caring.

READING:  I can thank jury duty for getting me back to reading! I read a YA novel about Hurricane Sandy, but it wasn’t my cup of tea, so I won’t even list it here. I also started reading Starman Jones, a Heinlein one-off I’ve actually never read before. It’s very reminiscent of Starship Troopers, meets Have Space Suit – Will Travel. Yeah, he definitely likes certain themes! Obviously, I’m okay with that, because I keep going back for more!

WORKING ON:  Same old, same old, lots and lots of job applications. OH! I can finally tell you about this! I REVIEWED A BUNCH OF TAMPONS FOR BUST MAGAZINE! It’s in the newest issue! The one with Rose McGowan on the cover! The spine says “Artisinal Tampons” on it, and I’m just assuming it’s a reference to my piece. You know what they say, when you assume, you make an ass out of yourself! I figure I already made an ass of myself in the first paragraph, so if you’ve made it this far, you’re still rooting for me, and you’ll support me in my delusions.

THINKING ABOUT:  What the fuck is going to happen to America.

EATING:  Quesadillas, quesadillas, quesadillas. They’re cheap and fast and that’s pretty much what I live on these days. My “grocery rut” probably isn’t helped by the fact that I’m so fucking poor, so that’s what I eat.

LOOKING FORWARD TO:  It feels weird to “look forward” to things in these days. I feel like I’m in much more of a “hold your breath and brace yourself for impact” frame of mind. I guess it’s nice not being the only hopeless human in the world right now, what with the politics and all. So, that’s it. 2016 out. Not looking forward to anything. Just fretfully imagining the worst. Ah well. Maybe I’ll see you back here in 2017.


2 responses to “Currently… in December 2016”

  1. JuliaJulia Avatar

    I can’t wait to read said article and get your autograph on the magazine!!!
    You had better have that action framed, and opened up so the spine is visible.

    1. aww, thank you! I’m pretty proud of it, myself. never let it be said that I wouldn’t stick something in my vagina for the sake of a story.

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