2015 in Review: Second Quarter


I Have A Crush (4/4/15):

humble, eclectic charm was calling to me.  While my old haunts were
burning down, moving out, or turning into 7-11’s, I turned to Brooklyn’s
vintage shops and offbeat museums for respite.  When Manhattan rushed
me, I’d spend carefree weekends winding down windy streets.”

Jiminy Crickets! (4/23/15):  “No stranger to bug-eating, my boyfriend then ordered, off Amazon, 500 live crickets.  I know what you’re thinking, ladies, but HANDS OFF, he’s all mine, and I’m damn lucky to boot.”


Days of Daze (5/9/15):  “Out
of the ten hour day, I spend 7 hours actively interacting with
high-energy kids whose ears seem to be strangely deaf to the pitch of my
voice.  I’ve actually had to blow my safety whistle on them.  It didn’t
even work!  I feel like the world’s most ineffective sheepdog.”

A Mile in Grown-Up Shoes (5/13/15):
“…why are women’s shoes so slippery?  Are they afraid we’ll run away from the patriarchy if we can only gain traction?”


Greenpointing (6/23/15):  “My new neighbourhood is the greatest!  I’m so excited to be a Brooklyner, especially in such a quaint, adorable part of town.”

Five Times I Was The Coolest Teacher (6/29/15): “…I
decided that, as punishment for screwing around while they were
supposed to be working, I would force them to write their essays in
total silence…while I played “Kiss Kiss Kiss” by Yoko Ono.  It
completely backfired on me…”

First Quarter HERE!

Stay tuned for Third & Fourth Quarter!


4 responses to “2015 in Review: Second Quarter”

  1. That last photo is beautiful!

    1. Thanks! I even like the crates up there – it's like "Yep, Brooklyn, whaddaya want."

  2. Talk to me about the half sleeve!! What's it say?? And I agree, that Brooklyn mural is beautiful1

    1. Haha! It says "Do Not Take Life Too Seriously — You Will Never Get Out Of It Alive!" One of my dad's sayings.

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