How I Got My Halloween Costume For Free

Pre-tour selfie on Halloween Eve!  Look at that grin!

It’s been a week since Halloween and I just don’t know how to go on.  Really.  Halloween is the highlight of my year:  being a tour guide for Ghosts, Murders and Mayhem Walking Tours (best job EVAR) means that Halloween is the most wonderful time of the year for me!  I also, as we know, LOVE dressing up!  I didn’t have a costume this year, but I dug into my closet, pulled out some pieces, and managed to look pretty cute:

This is the story of how I got my Halloween costume for free.  It’s a Burning Man story.

When I went out to Nevada to help my boyfriend pack up and prepare to go out early (he worked the gate!  That’s my humblebrag), we had to unload some things from a storage unit.  While there, we got friendly with the women running the storage unit and they let us in on a secret: another burner was getting rid of things from their unit!  Would we like to take any of the stuff they left behind?  UH YEAH!

Two huge coolers, five brand new camping chairs, a pair of hula hoops AND!  A slinky black dress covered in fringe.  I immediately seized it, and wore it many nights out on the playa.

While tending bar during a dust storm on Thursday, right before we hosted the wedding party, a lovely couple from Canada stopped by for drinks on their way home.  I noticed she was wearing an awesome feather headpiece and I complimented it.  She took it off and put it right on me!  I was totally beside myself with gratitude and I basically didn’t take it off until I got back to New York. 

So that’s the story of how I dressed up for Halloween in someone else’s clothes.  Who’s excited for Burning Man 2016?!?  I already know what to wear!


2 responses to “How I Got My Halloween Costume For Free”

  1. That is an amazing story and that dress is fantastic!

  2. Thanks! Definitely my favourite outfit I didn't have to pay for! Couldn't believe my luck!

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