Tag: Europe

  • How Limoncello And Rain Made Me Appreciate George Michael

    How Limoncello And Rain Made Me Appreciate George Michael

    What you need to know is this: the year was 2010. I was traveling Europe with my boyfriend. And I was mortally afraid of embarrassing myself. Luckily, I no longer have that fear, or this story might never be told. Anyway… Along the journey, my beau and I developed a sort of code for extricating…

  • 5 Fandom Friday:  Goin’ to Con

    5 Fandom Friday: Goin’ to Con

    Oh me oh my, in my little life I’ve only ever been to the last 3 NYCC’s!  This prompt was hard to figure out because I’m not really sure what’s out there as far as Cons even GO, so I included some other fandom-related places I’d like to go as well. 1.  NYCC ’15  is…

  • #tbt Ring-A-Ding DONG

    #tbt Ring-A-Ding DONG

    27 April 2010 Guys, I really need a vacation.  Like really really REALLY.  I need to get the hell outta dodge, away from these stupid tourists, and my heart longs to go all the way across the ocean, back to Europe.  In April 2010 I was in Amsterdam, where the sun shone, tulips bloomed, french…

  • Chain Mail

    Chain Mail

    I love questionnaires! I found this one courtesy, once again, of Angie from Lariats and Lavender, which is a blog I’ve been a fan of for a long time!, who found it from Kyla at Kyla is Inspired, which is a blog I just discovered and is really lovely!!! 1.  Song you can’t get out…

  • Blogtember #2: Ma Vie en Paris

    Blogtember #2: Ma Vie en Paris

    Me in Paris, 30 April 2010 I know it’s a cliche, but if I could take the next three months of my life “off,” I would pool my savings and return to Paris. There, I would live the life of a starving artist – sort of like A Moveable Feast – scraping by on what I…

  • Sharing is Caring…NOT

    I consider myself a very sharing person.  Therefore, I am a very CARING person.  But you have to draw the line somewhere: Are you an over-sharer?  Or do you refuse to share?  Is it weird that I don’t like sharing any of these things? “Share” in the comments!

  • Currently…in July 2013

    Currently…in July 2013

    My current Facebook profile pic – I thought it was fitting! Feeling:  Thankful…(see yesterday’s vlog!) optimistic, and more than just a bit warm (NYC is having a crazy heat wave!) Watching:  My Big Brother recommended me Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, because I was looking for an old musical and apparently I’m feeling very French lately? …

  • 30DHN:  A Place I’d Like to Travel

    30DHN: A Place I’d Like to Travel

    Fire up those blogging fingers, kiddos!  Desiree at So Fawned has, for the past THREE YEARS (!), been hosting an awesome series for the month of November:  30 Days Hath November.   Every day comes with a new writing prompt, and I just knew I had to tackle the challenge!  The Prompt for Day One is:A…

  • Fly the Friendly Skies

    Fly the Friendly Skies

    Charlotte to London by meghan-sara featuring long gloves How cute is the above outfit? Now picture it on an elderly man. In an airport. Yes, about two years ago, I was flying to London following the terrible volcanoes in Iceland.  The weather was horrible.  Flights were getting delayed and cancelled all over.  I had already…

  • Put A Little Britain in Your Life

    Put A Little Britain in Your Life

    I love British television.  It’s bold, smartly written, and short.  You can watch an entire series in the span of an afternoon!  And loads of it is available to watch instantly on Netflix!  If you’re ready to take the leap and try some new shows, but aren’t sure where to start, here are seven suggestions:…

  • Remember the Times

    Remember the Times

    Ever wake up at 11am on a Saturday, you don’t have to work, it’s nice and cold outside, and just… go through old facebook photos of yourself? Maybe you should try to be a little more narcissistic, because it is AWESOME. Case in point: I found these old photos of me from YEARS back and…