Tag: intersectional feminism

  • Being Basic

    Being Basic

      Over at Man Repeller, Julia Gray has written a thoughtful and considered piece about the nature of being “basic” in 2019, aptly titled, “What Does Being Basic Look Like In 2019?”     I’ve very much come full circle on “Basic Bitches.” Which, I guess, is to say, I’ve had pretty much every complicated…

  • Time To Feed The Gendered Language Around Periods To The Sharks

    Time To Feed The Gendered Language Around Periods To The Sharks

        Aunt Flo. Lady Time. Crimson Tide. That last one is a football team, but the other two are euphemisms for PERIODS! Menstruation! And this week, a lot of blood was shed over the way we talk about periods.   Help us evolve language around gender and menstrual health. — Clue (@clue) July 11,…

  • Don’t Get Pissed, But Your “Fearless Girl” Is Bullshit

    Don’t Get Pissed, But Your “Fearless Girl” Is Bullshit

      I know I know, you’re already angry at my title — but what is being “fearless” if not standing up for what’s right, even if it’s unpopular? I love you all, I love Intersectional Feminism, and that is why I cannot stand by Fearless Girl.   I know you’re still upset, so I’m gonna…

  • GOOD NEWS! I’m finally going to get ALL THE EMOJIS this weekend!

    GOOD NEWS! I’m finally going to get ALL THE EMOJIS this weekend!

    Happy Friday, everybody! I’m especially excited for THIS WEEKEND because my boyfriend has promised to help me update my phone to the latest iOS! My phone is still on iOS 7.something, because I’m terrified of updating it. This is where my beloved pops his head in and says “THAT’S BECAUSE YOU HATE CHAAAAANGE!” Yes, that’s…

  • Happy International Woman’s Day #IWD2017

    Happy International Woman’s Day #IWD2017

    I was going to post something entirely different today, or post nothing at all (WOMEN’S STRIKE!) but then, I started thinking about it, and I started getting all misty-eyed about it, and I realized that I really wanted to wish a lot of people Happy Women’s Day, and that it was NOT going to fit…

  • Damn, Am I Glad I Went To The #WomensMarchNYC

    Damn, Am I Glad I Went To The #WomensMarchNYC

    Ok, so I didn’t go enthusiastically. Not at first. My fear and distrust of the general public has increased 1000% after the election. I know that My Liberal Bubble is a relatively safe and progressive place to live, but since November 9th, I can’t help but eye every cis white man with a little bit…

  • Fuck Off w/ “Fuckboy”

    Fuck Off w/ “Fuckboy”

      I know we all meant well, and I know that there’s a lot to unpack, but can I please, please ask that we leave the term “fuckboy” in 2016. Seriously. Please. 1. First of all, as Inigo Montoya would say, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think…

  • New Year’s Resolutions? Well, Why Not.

    New Year’s Resolutions? Well, Why Not.

    Retire the phrase “tfw.” It was funny for a while, but now I’ve got that feeling that it’s overplayed. Stop snarking on popular things — because sometimes popular things are popular because they’re good — like rosé, and Beyoncé (NOTE: I recognize that not all popular & good things have “é” in them, and not all things…