Category: Manhattan

  • Happy 200th Birthday, Walt Whitman

    Happy 200th Birthday, Walt Whitman

      I’ll be honest with you: The first time I picked up Leaves of Grass (in college), it bored me to tears.   Maybe it’s a thing you have to grow into? I for sure skimmed the book to pass the class, but didn’t understand why so many people considered it a classic. It was definitely the…

  • Morningside Park

    Morningside Park

      I’ve lived in NYC for over 10 years — almost half of those in Upper Manhattan — and I only just visited Morningside Park! And on my visit, I saw: two cats, countless turtles, a duck, a goose, and what I *think* is an egret?     And stairs. LOTS of stairs. Morningside Park is low…

  • Return to the Little Red Lighthouse

    Return to the Little Red Lighthouse

      I’ve loved the Little Red Lighthouse for a long time. And I can PROVE it! HERE! With this blog post from 2012! Now, don’t be confused about the purple Chuck Taylors — it’s a pure coincidence that I was rocking these Chucks in May ’12 and happen to have a very similar pair at present: I…

  • Top 5 NYC Neighborhoods I Have Lived In

    Top 5 NYC Neighborhoods I Have Lived In

      Ten years in New York! This photo was taken a little over a month after I moved here and thus, began the longest and most fulfilling relationship of my life —   HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!   But I haven’t exactly stayed put all this time. Over the past ten…

  • How To Thrift Shop like A Brooklyn Hipster, Or Somebody Who Looks Like They Might Be In A Band

    How To Thrift Shop like A Brooklyn Hipster, Or Somebody Who Looks Like They Might Be In A Band

      I honestly feel like I don’t get enough credit for being as well-dressed as I am. But I AM! I am so well-dressed, in fact, that a few years ago, at the John Lennon memorial sing-along, I got cornered mid-song by a middle-aged man who interrogated me: “Hey, don’t I know you?” “I don’t think so,”…

  • ⛸️ Ice Skating at Bryant Park!! ⛸️

    ⛸️ Ice Skating at Bryant Park!! ⛸️

      Well, I wanted to do this, and I did it!   On a warm, Friday evening, I coerced a friend of mine into skating with me at Bryant Park. I started off desperately clinging to him, forcing him to tow me around the ice (sorry!). But by the time the rink closed for the…

  • This Is Why It Takes Forever To Walk Anywhere In The City In The Rain

    This Is Why It Takes Forever To Walk Anywhere In The City In The Rain

      UMBRELLAS. It’s because everyone is carrying umbrellas.   A normal sidewalk is like a stream, and its pedestrians like fish. Foot traffic hinges on the ability of walkers to blithely slither past each other, faster fish weaving and bobbing through schools of slower fish.   Umbrellas, though.   A cumbersome umbrella can double, even…

  • No Pictures, Please

    No Pictures, Please

      It happened after therapy. It happened with my friend. It happened during one of my tours. And it almost happened while running a work errand, but I put my hand up and said “No.”   When I was a kid, somebody told me that “ancient cultures” believed that taking someone’s photograph would “steal their…