Currently… in July 2019


FEELING:  Busy! As soon as I got a new gig, things picked up at my regular job, which meant double the work! I’ve basically gone from zero to a million. I’m so glad I write and schedule my blog posts, like, 3 weeks in advance!!


WATCHING: My latest “noise in the background” show is Four Weddings, which has three seasons streaming on Hulu. The basic premise is that ordinary women pit their weddings against each other in competition for a “dream honeymoon.” It’s brides being judgey about other brides’ weddings, it’s superficial, it’s problematic, it’s one of my favorite shows of all time. Oh, and I’m obsessed with Vanderpump Rules. STILL!


LISTENING TO:  I’ve been so busy, I’ve fallen behind on all of my favorite podcasts. I catch up here and there on the shorter ones (the Parcast ones) while walking the 12-minute walk to work. But that just means I have a glorious backlog of podcasts to enjoy when things are less busy!


WORKING ON: WORK! Period. My three jobs are as follows: 1) Tour Guide for Ghosts, Murders, and Mayhem Walking Tours, every Friday and Saturday night. 2) Studio Assistant on various projects at Hat Rabbit Studio, and now 3) Tour Guide at Metro Tours, starting this month! No pressure!


THINKING ABOUT: Who has time to think??? I’ve been studying every free minute. Trying to learn two new tours in under a month, baby!!! Well, I do suppose I’ve been thinking this month a lot about my pathological need to have everybody like me. Nay, love me. I’ve been spiraling a lot worrying about certain interactions with people meaning that they hate me, so I’ve been taking special time to pause and tell myself, who cares? There are people who like me, and people who don’t, and life isn’t a game you win when everybody declares you to be their best friend, so I need to stop focusing so much on the people who don’t like me and more on the people who do. 


EATING:  Well, honestly, I’ve been super busy so most of what I’m eating is boring. The same frozen dinners, canned chili, and packets of lentils I always heat up in the microwave. I have discovered a new bean dip that I love! Newman’s Own SPICY Bean Dip is my fave snack! The other great thing is exploring new places while my boyfriend comes and visits me at MY apartment for a change. Down the street from me is 983 – Bushwick’s Living Room, which makes the best blueberry gin fizz cocktail and nachos I’ve ever had! Their avocado toast is life-changing. I finally visited the chocolate factory in my neighborhood, Fine And Raw, and their coffee shake and truffles are too good! And the other day, we took the walk over to neighboring Bushwick to get tacos at the Tortilleria Mexicana Los Hermanos, and got taco-faced. Oh my god, the cheap and good tacos there, I could eat them every day. 


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Well, my 35th Birthday! At the end of this month, I turn THIRTY-FIVE. Yes, July is the MONTH OF MEGHAN! So basically, my Birthday Month starts on July 1st, goes strong all month long, culminating in my actual birthday on July 31st. This year, I have ONE REQUEST: the cheese fries from Mister Dips! And this time, I’m gonna bring a scrunchie to hold my hair back so I don’t get cheese sauce in my hair (true story, there’s a Whole Lotta Cheese Going On).


MAKING ME HAPPY: I love being busy with work! My spider plant has grown so much this month. My boyfriend’s visits to my apartment. Sitting up on the roof. Grabbing a quick moment for myself between work and falling fast asleep. Pulling out all of my summer clothes and dressing in bright colors every day!


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