Currently… in September 2017


FEELING:  I’m not “over” Burning Man, yet. That was probably the most intense three weeks of my life, and I was so busy and alive during that time! One minute, you’re a bad-ass amazing survivalist, vital and thriving, pushing yourself past your limits and defying nature to have an amazing fucking time!!!!! and the next, it’s…regular life again. This Burn really Changed Me (post on that tomorrow, you lucky chickens), so I’m trying to Burn Every Day, but it’s a work in progress.


WATCHING: I said it on Twitter, I am SO GLAD that this season of Bachelor in Paradise is over. I mean, they might as well call this season Rape Apologists in Paradise. Or like maybe Gaslighting Victims in Paradise, which is also…so… yeah. While in Reno, and on the plane, I watched a lot of MTV Catfish. And I’m still loving my YouTube channels. Maybe I should YouTube? And that’s how I will Burn Every Day? We’ll see…oh you chickens are just so lucky! 


LISTENING TO:  I listened to a lot of my campmates’ music. Also, techno. Not my taste. And after a long day at the storage unit, my friend bribed me to vacuum-seal the food bags by playing ABBA. Guess what! It worked! “Will Vacuum Seal for ABBA” should read my sign.


READING:  I actually read a book this month?!? Aren’t you surprised?!? My therapist recommended it. And she’s not even going to be my therapist anymore!!! I’m actually really sad, but I’m being transferred to a new therapist and she’s moving on in her career. She was great, so I knew to do everything she told me to do… even when she recommended a book that I had to buy not just in the self-help section, but NOOOO, even worse: on the fourth floor in the Christian Living section!!! Like, you know I really liked and respected my therapist when I strode into the Christian Living section to buy The Five Love Languages. But I read it and I took the quiz (perfect tie between words/touch BTW) and I really enjoyed it.


WORKING ON:  On hiatus at the moment, and now that I’ve washed all the clothes and filled the fridge, I have another few days before things get hectic again!


THINKING ABOUT:  Burning Every Day. How not to lose that feeling.


EATING:  Basically in the desert, I eat what I usually eat, only I eat it… in the desert. I haven’t really established any new food trends since returning home, BUT I DID have amazing sushi in the airport before we left AND in Reno! Who knew? Also, I’m very pleased to report that I was NOT sick to my stomach for the entirety of my Reno stay, even though I ate Very Dodgy Casino Tacos for like, two consecutive days.


LOOKING FORWARD TO:  Halloween!!! Also, weirdly, I’m already looking forward to December 8th, and singing in Strawberry Fields. It’s the next closest thing to Burning Man that I have in my life!  


MAKING ME HAPPY:  Slowly pulling my Burning Man memories and thoughts out for you on this blog over the next few weeks! Going to RuPaul’s Drag Con last weekend with a visiting friend, and petsitting for two snuggly pups! Being able to wash myself whenever I want to is pretty great too — yay indoor plumbing! Also the election yesterday was SO FUN and I get to do it again in six weeks!!!


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