Currently… in October 2016

Currently October 2016

FEELING:  Stressed. Stressed out about the job search, stressed out about money. Stressed about the election, watching everything in the world go wrong. It’s not a happy time, let’s be honest.

WATCHING:  I  only just discovered Zoella, whose vlogs have been the white noise over which I’ve been doing job applications and writing assignments. After binge-watching the only season of The Great British Bake-Off on Netflix, I was hoping for some more to hit the service in October (sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the case)

LISTENING TO:  You know what I’m not going to apologize for this: I’ve been curating a phenomenal Christmas playlist on Spotify and I’ve been listening to it at home. Not sorry.

READING:  I mentioned in this post that I was given a Self-Esteem Workbook by my therapist and it’s been such a fantastic resource. I would be so lost without these exercises, and I’ll do a future post for you to learn more about it!

WORKING ON:  Like a million job applications, all the time. I’m hoping it’s a numbers game, because I’m just throwing my resume up in the air like confetti and praying that I’ll get a paying job.

THINKING ABOUT:  Cover letters. My bank balance. Trying to focus on my worth as a human being? Being one of the Children of the Great Recession. This kickass article about Capitalism. Uplifting stuff.

EATING:  You know what I’ve discovered is really cheap? Tortilla pizzas. Those corn tortillas at the grocery store are like $2 for 30. Pasta sauce is cheap. And heaven bless Key Foods, their store-brand mozzarella cheese is relatively affordable! Guys, if you need to stretch a food budget (and have a small garden of basil at your disposal), this is a great money-saving meal idea!



2 responses to “Currently… in October 2016”

  1. […] couple in the past week, and it’s completely changed my outlook from what it was, just at the beginning of this month. I’m pretty confident that things will turn around very […]

  2. […]  Completely numb. It’s funny, I read back over last month’s “Currently” post and remember how desperate and stressed out I felt. I feel like a week after I wrote that, things […]

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