Year: 2015

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Dark Chocolate Toffee with Walnuts and Pecans

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Dark Chocolate Toffee with Walnuts and Pecans

    Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Toffee with Walnuts and Pecans Tastes Like:  crunchy, sweet toffee bar with a hint of nuts.  Not so many nuts as you’d notice, but it’s a good overall effect! Great With:  Throwing on top of your basket in the checkout line because you just. can’t. not. Perfect For:  Fans of the…

  • Batgirl 38: Backsliding

    Batgirl 38: Backsliding

    Don’t be fooled by the shy, demure girl on the cover who’s apparently afraid to ride the subway.  In this issue, Batgirl does a complete 180 from badass to Bad Guy. But first, let’s talk about the good things. Even if it comes seemingly out of nowhere, Barbara Gordon’s sudden flirtation with celebrity is an…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Songs That Changed My Life

    5 Fandom Friday:  Songs That Changed My Life

    I had to think really hard about this prompt, because music is such a huge part of my life!  It’s hard to pick those benchmark songs that mean the most, so sticking to theme, I’m picking the songs that marked a change in course, or really made me someone new.  Literally, changed my life!  I…

  • Adjusting to the New Job

    In period 2, we discussed the difference between “hatch” and “catch” using specific examples from Pokemon.  #gottacatchemall — Meghan Sara Karre (@MeghanSaraK) January 6, 2015 So you all know because I keep talking about it that I got a new job in a school back in December.  It’s been more or less like a month…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffins

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffins

    Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Blueberry Muffins Tastes Like:  sweet and hearty, complex and SO SO moist muffins…maybe it’s the maple here, but these are so sticky and soft and gushy (yes, I may have just made up a word) that even muffin haters (do they exist?  Shunnnn the muffin haterz) will shut up when they have…

  • Wonder Woman: Rescue Angel

    Wonder Woman:  Rescue Angel

    A friend recently tipped me off that issue #19 of Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman, “Rescue Angel part 1 of 1,” was right up my alley and not to be missed.  Wonder Woman?  Really?  I was quite sceptical, but this comic completely won me over by the end.  And by that I mean I cried.…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Goin’ to Con

    5 Fandom Friday:  Goin’ to Con

    Oh me oh my, in my little life I’ve only ever been to the last 3 NYCC’s!  This prompt was hard to figure out because I’m not really sure what’s out there as far as Cons even GO, so I included some other fandom-related places I’d like to go as well. 1.  NYCC ’15  is…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Cilantro & Jalapeno Hummus

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Cilantro & Jalapeno Hummus

    Trader Joe’s Smooth & Creamy Cilantro & Jalapeno Hummus Tastes Like:  JALAPENO LIKE WOAH.  This is tangy and crisp at first (thanks to the cilantro – Trader Joe does cilantro like nobody’s business) but leaves behind a message and that message is MOUTH BURN.  Which is awesome because YOU LOVE IT but be warned that…

  • The Left Hand of Darkness

    The Left Hand of Darkness

    The Left Hand of Darkness has been a sentimental favourite of mine since I was first forced to read it in college.  Here’s a funny story for you:  when I decided in the 11th hour to change my major from Theatre to Comparative Literature, I had to take 3 lit classes in one semester.  One…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: I LOVE WINTER!

    5 Fandom Friday: I LOVE WINTER!

    Okay so I can’t say anything about the weather this winter so far in NYC because if I say something, I’ll jinx it.  Suffice to say, it’s been an pretty decent winter up in here and I ain’t exactly complaining about it.  So I might as well throw NYC some props for being cool during…

  • Miss Turnstiles

    Miss Turnstiles

    There’s a rule in New York City that when you look your worst, the coolest things will happen to you.  Awww, yeah, like that.  That’s super hot.  Not winning any beauty competitions like that, I’m surely not. Anyway, on this, the morning after two great parties (clearly!), taking an F train uptown when this antique…

  • Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gone Bananas!

    Trader Joe’s Tuesday: Gone Bananas!

    Trader Joe’s Gone Bananas! Tastes Like:  banana-flavoured popsicle, heavily coated in a thick, crunchy layer of dark chocolate. Great With:  milk and cartoons. Perfect For:  kids, kids at heart, and sock monkeys.  These aren’t too sweet, but are definitely creamy and the dark chocolate is nice quality.  Which is a thing us sock monkeys really…

  • What's the Secret? Secret Six is Back!

    What's the Secret? Secret Six is Back!

    Yes, fan-favourite Secret Six has been rebooted.  What does this mean?  Well, seems that it means that all those characters you knew and loved and wanted to see more of are…. Gone.  That arc is done.  No more Deadshot, no more Scandal/Lianna, no more Bane, NO MORE RAGDOLL.  Wait, what?  Why bother bringing it back…

  • 5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Resolutions

    5 Fandom Friday: Fandom Resolutions

    I’m not like, 100% sure what a “fandom resolution” is yet, so I may be wayyy off base here in my list, but I’m also really excited to see how everyone else interpreted the prompt!  On with the Five! 1.  Watch more Classic Doctor Who (2, 3, and 5)  because I loooove me some Tom…

  • Currently…in January 2015

    Currently…in January 2015

    FEELING:  I’m currently in the middle of Winter Break from school and I could absolutely get used to this!  I can’t believe I’m sleeping in until after the sun rises (SO BRIGHT!). WATCHING:  I’m still working my way through recent seasons of Law & Order: SVU!  When I have time, I’d love to watch more…