5 Fandom Friday: Nerdrobe Must-Haves

Welcome back to the second thrilling installment of 5 Fandom Friday with The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick!  This week, we’re talking about clothes.  Nerdy clothes!  Frak yes!  My nerdrobe (that’s a portmanteau of “nerd” and “wardrobe”, guh!) is pretty full to begin with but could always cast a spell to create more space for these items:

1.  I’m Not Lazy Sweatshirt  okay, maybe I am a bit lazy, but isn’t that even more appropriate to Usagi’s character?  Pass the rice buns, I was up all night fighting evil by moonlight and don’t you think I deserve some rice buns?  I’ll punish you!

2.  Wood For Your Sheep?  a Catan reference?  Seriously, who is going to get this joke?  Uh, Other Catan Nerds!  And we all know that no matter what you do, you always find yourself rolling in the sheep and in need of wood, amirite, guys, srsly, amirite?

3.  Blue Dalek dress  those who know me know I have a thing for blue daleks.  Right?  Right.  So when HerUniverse only had red, gold and white, I was like, “ennnnhhhh” but now I have no excuse.  I’ll be wearing this to every fancy occasion henceforth, thank you…

4.  Fourth Doctor over-the-knee socks  I have worn my argyle Dalek socks almost literally to death.  Then I have discovered something amazing!  ThinkGeek has a bevy of tall, Doctor Who-themed socks.  Oy. 

5.  U.N.I.T. tee  Brigadier would have a fit at all this Doctor Who paraphenalia.  Out of uniform?  Never!  U.N.I.T. tee ensures you escape the Brig’s wrath.  Even if you’re just going to fall into a crevasse.  Oh, Harry Sullivan.

October  3rd:  Gateway Fandoms That Made Me Who I Am Today

October 10th:  Geeky Clothing Items I Need In My Closet Immediately
October 17th:  Characters I’d Love To Dress Up As For Halloween
October 24th:  My Must See List of Halloween Movies
October 31st:  The Halloween Candy I Always Hope For When Trick-Or-Treating

November  7th:  Comfort Foods That Always Make Me Feel Better

November 14th:  Smart Phone Apps I Cannot Live Without
November 21st:  Characters I Would Invite To My Thanksgiving Feast
November 28th:  Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice A Night Of Sleep For


15 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Nerdrobe Must-Haves”

  1. HerUniverse has the best stuff! I love your list!

    1. Oh, I know! I could fall down the absolute rabbit hole searching for merch on that site!

  2. LOVE the catan sweater!! It's been so long since I've played! (solo-living will do that to ya) .. I think I need to set up a game night soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I know what you mean! I never have enough friends in one room at the same time for a game! Curse the three players or more rule! Before they moved away, a married couple I was friends with taught me how to play Catan, I swear, just so they could play against each other. I was so bad at it in the beginning, I was basically cannon fodder for them to work out their marital issues on the hexagonal island game board. Ah, memories.

  3. I love those 4th Doctor socks!

    1. I know, right? I have Fourth Doctor legwarmers but they're so warm, they're not really practical for everyday like, say, SOCKS ARE!

  4. Ahhh! I love the Sailor Moon sweatshirt! Great list!!

    1. Dude I know right? In line for a panel at NYCC this year, a girl had a shirt that said "Browsing Tumblr by moonlight / sleeping in by daylight" and it was AMAZING. She couldn't remember where she'd found it, though.

  5. Ok I will definitely take one through four please!! ๐Ÿ™‚ The color of the Dalek dress is so pretty!

    1. I know! I'm so happy they finally came out with a blue version!

  6. Yes! A Settler's of Catan reference and I caught on to that one right away.

    Nothing beats trying to make a 2 wood for 2 sheep trade deal back and forth for ten minutes and finally having the other player agree as you both hand each other 2 wood. No you Numpty! MY Wood for YOUR Sheep! lol

    1. I would love to see a Catan shirt that says "Got Wood?" because NO YOU NEVER HAVE ENOUGH FRICKING WOOD. Or possibly one of a sheep pulling an Adele pose with the phrase "Rolling in the Sheep" under it. Or a picture of Ore and the phrase "I Got A Rock". Oh, Catan is so full of goofiness! I wish I had enough friends to play it!

  7. Those sweaters look SO comfy! I've never even seen Catan merch before, great find!

    1. I know! I have a Battlestar Galactica sweatshirt and I love it SO MUCH. It's the comfiest thing ever and I love to wear it. It's easy to find cute t-shirts but in the cold weather, they're always buried under layers! What's to do? Nerdy sweatshirts, to the rescue!!!

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