Currently…in August 2013

Feeling:  Overwhelmed!  A lot is happening – my computer died (technically, it was the charger, but the computer is still rendered useless), so I’m blogging exclusively from my iPhone until I can find a solution.  My wisdom tooth is coming in, which is more painful than I can describe, and I’m glad I was a baby when I teethed the first time.  And finally, my birthday was two days ago, and so many people made my day so special.  Many birthday wishes came from unexpected places, and some people very close to me ignored the day completely.  Which reminds me:  keep your friends close and your enemies closer?  

Watching:  I finished watching Orange is the New Black before I left for vacation, and on the subway three days ago, a couple cast members were on the train I was riding!

Reading:  As always, I’m caught between two worlds:  I’m totally wrapped up in The Count of Monte Cristo, but on my birthday, I saw my book guy (he’s still alive!  He’s real!  It’s a miracle!) and he gave me a copy of Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who wrote my favorite book of all time, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Thinking about:  life and death, as per usual.  Someone I worked with was killed in an accident leaving work on my birthday.  I wasn’t there, but it’s struck me as scary how we take everything for granted.  Just the ability to have birthdays.  Sending my best healing thoughts to the grieving family, and thinking about my high school friend, who would have been 30 a week ago, had he not accidentally been killed 2 1/2 years ago.  It’s hard not to think about these people.

Eating:  Cupcakes and truffles every day – I went overboard for my birthday, and have been “on vacation” here with my Big Brother, so every day has been ice cream and fancy meals.  I woke up this morning with the realization that if I even looked at another cupcake, I might vomit!  I’m going to fix some coffee and kale.

Looking forward to:  wholesome meals, establishing a new routine, starting my new “year” and autumn temperatures.  Yesterday’s cool raininess was a sweet taste of what’s to come, and I can’t wait!

Making me happy:  the possibility of reconnecting with old friends, the opportunity to forms bonds with new strangers, and my birthday cactus!  Isn’t he/she cute?  Help me name him/her!  Current leaders are Battlestar Cactica, or Cactica Six.  Haven’t figured out whether or not to “gender” it yet!

Blast from the past:

Currently…in July
Currently…in June
Currently…in May
Currently…in April
Currently…in March
Currently…in February


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